Thursday, October 14, 2010

:) Running Again :)

Some of you have been asking and I'm sorry, I have been a negative nancy lately and not wanting to jinx myself so I have forgotten to mention to you blogger eyes that I am RUNNING AGAIN!!!!! It is fantastic! I still have a little pain but I can control it and its much milder than before. So, already I have planned races in mind :) My bike has been awesome and I ride it almost everyday off, but as I have explained there is something about running that cannot be replaced. I think part of it is the true ability to have that time be solely about you. Even on the bike I have to worry about cars, and things in the road and which gear Im in and because I still suck- I have to focus on the 5 o'clock pedal pull up. No complaints though, I am very grateful for my bike! I'm just a running addict. So, in short I'm "using" again and loving it.
*This post sponsered by my most recent running high*

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