Thursday, October 14, 2010


-Why are candels so dang expensive! This is a normal thing to do, buy candels, but yet I have such a hard time doing it. Really!?!?!, $12 for a candel! Am I too cheap? I know theres a few that are slightly cheaper, but I'm candel picky, I don't like the "candy coated sugar muffin" smells. Eeww!

-Momma opens the door on her own now. She escaped the other night and a neighbor picked her up and had a "pajama party" with her. This neighbor now calls us and tells us that her cat TOLD HER that she misses Momma and wants her to come over again for another "pajama party", really!?!?!

-I got called 4 times from my work 2 days before I returned from my vacation. Really?!?! What do you want? Oh thats right, they want me to come in for OT or for some housewide meeting or to switch days with me. I called back and 3 different people wanted to talk to me. I guarentee you I am not that important, but I guess it was nice to know they missed me! :)

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