Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Fire

Last night there was a fire right by our house....a big fire too! This picture is taken off our balcony, no zoom. That is a big hill that is one of my favorite running spots, so I was bummed that all my trails were ruined. The right side of the hill had big flames too that we would see pop over the crest of the hill. We were afraid the fire was going to come over the hill in which it would be hard to stop, in our minds, because the south side of the hill where we are, is very steep! We were listening to the police scanner and critiquing all the firefighters moves- like we knew what we were talking about!

There's a good chance we were fine but the condo complex across the street had a fire truck stationed in it, so this kinda scared us. But I loved watching the fire. I love fire in general! Good thing I'm semi-all-together in the head or I might be a true pyro! I went biking today and got a decent look at the burn area-funny how it kinda looks the same. Thats true Nevada beauty! heehee

1 comment:

Ba and Scott said...

Glad that it wasn't your house that was on fire!