Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Worst Day Ever

So I show up to work, kind of dragging, but thankful I didn't have an orientee that day, and I could just do my job and not have to expend a huge amt of extra energy since I had been doing this for the last 4 weeks and working a ton of OT. Well to my surprise I had an orientee. Brand-spankin new too. Which is fine but a lot of work for me. I also got stuck with a horrible assignment . I will spare the details, but when I say horrible I don't mean really sick and busy- thats fun, what I mean is.....well, it's not always just the patients, i'll just say that. I will move on. Anyway, it was a bad day. My orientee informed me that the next day she would not be with me but would return the following two. I was relieved, and it wasnt a personal thing. So that day stunk. But the next day was "the worst day ever". Again I can't discuss the details, but my friend and charge RN walks up to me around 10AM and asks if I'm okay since it was very apparent I was not, and it was one of those moments where I couldn't speak or do anything, or else I would have a complete meltdown right on the unit. So, I nod my head no, and quickly walk into the employee locker room and just start balling and having a complete melt down. My charge followed me in, and of course minutes later my supervisor walks in on it and also attempts to calm me down. It was so bad that my superviser suggested I think about going home and my co-worker said if I stayed she would switch one of my patients with me. The bad part was I actually said I would take my co-worker up on the offer. The drama slowly fizzeled as the day went on, and I left feeling kinda okay, but super "burnt-out" a commonly used nursing term that I finally have a first hand experience with. The next two days they switched my orientee to be with someone else and reassigned me new patients. My 2 week vacation this weekend couldn't have started any sonner! However, because Adam knew I was having the worst day ever he cleaned the whole house for me AND made me dinner after he got of work. :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Zac Brown Band Concert

The Zac Brown Band concert was a lot of fun! There a country band but there style is somewhat unique. I describe it as Bluegrass rock with a little Jimmy Buffet-like flare.

I laugh everytime I see this sign so I had to take a picture of it since we parked right by. the concert was at the Lawler Event Center on UNR's campus.

We had good seats!!!

They play a string guitar, steel guitar, electric guitar, violin, fiddle, drums and it all sounds so cool. One of their opening acts was these guys who at the end of their run switched places. The steel guitar went to drums, the violin to electric guitar and the string guitar to steel guitar- it was very cool! I love love love music especially live. I am entertained by anything from Metallica to Opera. Music is a talent I do not posess, so it is so cool to me to watch people who are talented, enjoy themselves and have a good time. My favorite part was the dancing Adam and I did. When "Highway 20 Ride" and "Whatever it is" came on we went up a few stairs to an open floor by the exit doors to do a little two stepping and country swing dancing! After the concert we met up with my work friends at a college Saloon down the street. It was fun and nice to hang out with the work friends since they give Adam and I such a hard time for never going out with them.

Great Concert, Great Music!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our smokin' weekend

We have a smoker now and Adam has been smoking everything! He gets made if I suggest that maybe we not eat meat that night that has been smoked. We started with smoked salmon- which is my favorite, and have been eating locks, I guess its called- a bagel with cream cheese, capers, red onion and smoked salmon. Very delicious. And because I love a good deal I have to share that while we were at Cabellas getting the smoker I got an Adidas workout top and a North Face tank-top for a combined total of $8! True story.
Yesterday while Adam was working I went to meet a friend of mine to quilt. This friend is older we'll say, and the fact that I was spending my saturday quilting gave everyone at work ammo to tease me about being a grandma. The friend I met use to work with us but has since retired. Her husband still works at the hospital as our intensivist/pulmonologist so she is very much so still in the know about the hospital affairs. So, I can't lie- we spent a lot of time "analyzing other peoples life decisions" AKA gossiping. Theres something about getting two women together, especially when there is a craft involved that elicites gossip. We weren't talking trash neccessarily, but just being chatty. I don't do this at work, so it was kind of nice to just be able to get out my thoughts and feelings about things or people at work.
Then last night Adam and I met up with my friend Kaylee, her new boyfriend and her roommate, had some dinner and did some karayoking. I love to karayoke and really missed seeing Kaylee.
Its been a nice weekend especially since working 100+ hrs these last 2 weeks! Tonight its football and BBQ with Neighbor Dave and Rosa. And later this week-more normal work hours and the Zac Brown Band concert!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Fire

Last night there was a fire right by our house....a big fire too! This picture is taken off our balcony, no zoom. That is a big hill that is one of my favorite running spots, so I was bummed that all my trails were ruined. The right side of the hill had big flames too that we would see pop over the crest of the hill. We were afraid the fire was going to come over the hill in which it would be hard to stop, in our minds, because the south side of the hill where we are, is very steep! We were listening to the police scanner and critiquing all the firefighters moves- like we knew what we were talking about!

There's a good chance we were fine but the condo complex across the street had a fire truck stationed in it, so this kinda scared us. But I loved watching the fire. I love fire in general! Good thing I'm semi-all-together in the head or I might be a true pyro! I went biking today and got a decent look at the burn area-funny how it kinda looks the same. Thats true Nevada beauty! heehee

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Working too much!

Adam and I have been working a TON lately. I worked 5 days in a row, one day off then four days in a row! Keep in mind I do 12hr shifts, although some of those were half shifts, thats still way too much time in one place! However my patients have been fabulous. I got another present yesterday from this sweet older couple. Anyway, while working a ton I've also been orienting which can be more work too. I have to explain everything, do everything perfect, and then the hardest part- let her do things her way in her own time, but just overseeing things and picking up the slack. I'm so use to just go-go-go and I have a routine, but when I orient my routine gets messed up and I have to do things like not socialize so much and take the Code Blue and Rapid Response pager- which means we respond to all patient emergencies in the hospital- exciting for an orientee but an inconvenience at times for an orienter. But in all actuality she is a really fast learner and great to work with. Anyway, I was trying to leave her alone one day so I would quit having ADD and doing things for her. So I decided to make this sign (I made 2) and put it up on my unit.

My sister Jenny had sent out an email a long time ago asking for boxtops for Tyson's class at school. Neighbor Dave and I started collecting and sending them. Jenny then said that all her school-aged kids, Tyson, Blake and Jaclyn, collect these. So lets see how far this sign gets us! (Do you like the "it's for the children")

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Acorn the Quilter

This is one of the many annoying things she does while I try to sew!