Monday, June 14, 2010

RTO Relay

The 6th annual Reno Tahoe Odyssey Relay Race!! It's a 178mile relay around Reno and Lake Tahoe area (Just like HTC). 12 people per team, 3legs per person, usually over about 24hrs (depending on how fast your team is), our team placed 23rd out of 153.

Heres a map, the yellow line is the course...very cool course!

Our team: Perfect Strangers. Most of us did not know eachother, a few are from Sacramento. Shawna and I were the only girls. Kevin and I (the one in the red shirt, white hat) were the captains. I was the only one however who had ever ran the RTO, or even any (true)relay race. This was my 8th relay race! The guy on the end by me had a 6way cardiac bypass surgery in Dec.! Whats more amazing is that I ran the California International Marathon-Relay with him and Kevin three weeks before he had the bypass. He was the first leg and decided to run the whole marathon and finished in better time than our whole team! The guys insane....awesome runner even when his coronary arteries are 90% occluded- True Story!

And were off (our first man is in the black shirt....Go Michael!)
We started in downtown Reno

Chattin it up at the Boca exchange

We've now made it to Tahoe, heres my van-mates.
Luxury sleeping in the Walmart Parking lot in Carson City. We got about 1.5hrs of sleep- and then its up to run again

Outside Carson...beautiful morning! This was about 5am.

Micheal apparently still needed some ZZZZ's- what a weenie, 1.5hrs isn't enough! haha

Coming up the backside of Virginia City

Go Neighbor Dave go!! This leg was killer, whole way up hill a 15% grade!

Great weekend!

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