Monday, June 14, 2010

The latest

*I started a daily bible study. Our pastor really recommended this. It's something you know you need to do, but just can't ever figure out where to start. Our church hands out "Daily Bread" which is a little daily Bible Study guide with an attached story or statment. This has helped a lot. That time in the morning has already become hugly important in my day.

*We started Dave Ramsey awhile back, thanks to Bryan and Allison. So soon we will be financially free, wealthy and have an abundance of savings!!! Right?

*Adam wants a tattoo. Oh geez. Most people think this occassionally and then get over it. I think he might be serious. I told him I will tattoo him in Sharpie and he has to keep it on him for 1month and if he still likes it we'll consider talking about it. He wants a cross on his calf or the bible verse "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" on his inner bicep. Okay, cheesy yes, but what tattoo isnt and its better than a basketball or something. I think I will have him do a report on why that verse means so much to him before we can discuss tattoos again. Afterall, I should have some say in what he does to his body.

*Adam has come across some work that does not interfere with GBA and that brings in some extra $$$. We are so grateful! Now I just pray that I will learn to adjust to not having dinner made for me every night! Hes such a good husband!

*I learned I have an enormous amt of vacation time at work, just waiting to be used! Some people take a whole month off and do nothing! That sounds great, but my supervisor told me to save it for maternity leave if I plan on having kids within a few years. But I could still use a couple.....I have like over 200hrs!

*My good friend Melissa is having a baby-anyday now. Technically shes due on the 22nd I think, but shes already like 44inches around!

*Our basil plant died :(

*Smith family reunion in UT being planned! Very exciting. I really hope my family can make it. Jenny and I might be sharing a hotel room- how fun!

1 comment:

Gary and Margo said...

I love the way you think Girl!
Check out the sample quilt for the Akutan class on facebook. You'll love it! Hope your trip to Spokane was wonderful.