Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Busy Month of January

It has been very busy lateley. Heres a breakdown:
Jan. 9th- my bday was good, spent most of the day cleaning the house. Went to lunch with two work/church friends, then we went to dinner with Kaylee, a good friend, her BF.

Jan. 10-13th- My good friend Brittany (AKA Ber) and her BF Kyle came to visit. We were lazy all day monday then watched the BCS UO v. Auburn game at a casino downtown that sets up stadium like seating in the sports book area. We all placed bets for fun, but Adam was the only one who won (thats cause he bet against UO, boooooo!, he says bet with your wallet not your heart)

The next day was skiing in Lake Tahoe at Heavenly ^. Kyle and Ber snowboarded, while we skiied. It was a good day, pretty good snow, decent weather. Ber outted early, she wasnt having too much fun, shes newer to snowboarding. We then got back home and went to our favorite Thai place to eat dinner.
The next day we took Ber and Kyle for their first Costco visit- very exciting. And then that night.....we added to our family. Meet Ace a now 18lb Lab/Aussie Shepard mix from a pet rescue outside of Reno. He was born in early novemeber.

The reason for this cute little guy you might ask- Adam was convinced that he needed a puppy before we had kids, to prepare him he says. (No, I'm not pregnant) I like dogs, but dont know the first thing about raising them, I've never had one. So here we are 2 crazy people with two spoiled cats and a puppy living in a one bedroom apt. So......we moved. To a two bedroom apt in the same complex. I now have a sewing room!

Momma and Ace get along pretty well, as long as Ace knows who's boss. Acorn doesn't like him, yet.

They like to play. Ace can get a little rough just cause he doesn't know better, but Momma is perfect with him she swats him and bites his ears. This should teach him not to bite in general.

Puppies are A LOT of work. Adam slept next to his kennel for the first two nights until he got use to holding it when he had to go to the bathroom. And even though I thought the reasoning for getting one was a bit ridiculous, I actually think it is a good thing for both of us. I affirmed that I am extremely impatient. Cats are pretty dumb, I love my cats more than anything, but not smart animals. You have to teach a puppy everything and he will learn, but it takes time. We are working on potty training, not barking (his pretty good at this), not biting when playing, and overall verbal commands. He's a great runner, which makes me happy. He's up to a little over 2miles now, and he stays right by my side and never barks at other dogs or people!

He's a good boy, but definatley work! Labs and Aussie Shepards are suppose to be really smart and good with kids so I hope he starts to learn. I love animals but the last thing I want is for him to be one of those dogs that barks at people and doesn't behave. Hes a puppy so I can't help how much energy he has, except try to run his butt off. But my family doesn't particularly care for dogs so I understand how non-dog likers see dogs. But at least with a dog you can train them to be what you want them to be for the most part, I hear with kids theres no garuntee :) So, nothing will prepare us for that I guess!

Less than 2 weeks after my friends visited, Adams friends Jason and Chuck visited. They did man stuff like golf and watch football. We all also went down to Tahoe and stayed at the Hyatt of course, a cabin on the lake and had dinner again and the Lone Eagle Grill. Lots of fun!

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