Friday, July 2, 2010

Call the Nursing Home.....!

Adam and I are only 25 and 26, yet we find ourselves hobbeling around like old people. Adam has an unclear injury in his right knee, I should have taken a picture, its huge and swollen. He can hardly bend it. Some guy in basketball ran right into Adam and the guys knee cap (patella) went right into Adam's upper knee/lower thigh area. Adam refuses to go to the Doc of coarse, so I say okay then don't whine. So, we don't actually know whats wrong with his knee, but apparently my opinion and the neighborhood EMT's opinion are insignificant. This means no basketball for him :( for at least a few days
My injury makes me even older than Adam. I have a bulging disc in my lumbar region that is compressing my L3-L5 Nerve roots. No pain in my back, just down my right leg, in my butt and my knee. I actually have had it for awhile but seriously avoided talking about it because I would have a serious emotional breakdown when I did because I havn't been able to run- so I have been super moody, emotional, frustrated and angry. Whatever emotion I have I run. It's my therapy and yes Adam you can have this one- an addiction. I have been running since I was like 12. I have this chaotic ball of energy constantly bouncing around inside me and nothing, NOTHING, can get it out but running. So needless to say, poor Adam's life has been miserable no matter how hard I try. Iv'e been seeing a PT and for the first time in 4 weeks since treatment (for the second time) I can say I am hopeful! I'm feeling better, can't run yet of course but I can't focus on that. I'm learning patience, which is not a natural trait of mine. I have to work on my core muscle strength, moving my hips more when I walk and posture in EVERYTHING I do! Thats tough! But now I walk like a model or a big fruit cake I feel like. My gay friend Daryl at work use to tell me I walked butch, I guess he was right! hahaha. I also get called Drummer Boy and Peter Pan from another guy I work with. But now they are complimenting me on my lady-like posture!

So call the Nursing Home! This is the second time in one year Adam has had to use the electric scooter shopping cart at the grocery store! A guy on Adam's softball team the other day says: "I'm proud to be out of shape, skinny people are always injured"
We laughed, but hurt deep down

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