Monday, April 12, 2010

Not up to much.....and it's Great!

So we havn't been up to much. I accidently thickened our orange chicken glaze with baking soda, and it started to fizz. Adam's planning a golf tournament. My first close friend is almost due with a baby boy! I just bought a slew of new fabric for a new quilt!!!!- if I can just get the cats to quit eating all my thread!, and well thats about it. Easter was great, Dave went with us, and the day before I went to our churchs Easter egg hunt at a local park. There were 5,000 eggs!!! Adam and I helped stuff some the week before. Most our nights are spent watching Bones, American Idol, Biggest Loser or many others, while Adam ices his shins and I heat my butt. Adam plays basketball almost everyday despite his aches and shin splints and I run on all my days off despite my tight piriformis (butt) and now affected IT band. (my relay race is in less than 2months!) So basically were old and will be crippled and have osteoarthiritis at the age of 40, but right now it seems worth it. Adam made me a deal, if i clean up after myself everyday, he will give me a 5minute butt massage. So far it's been like a whole week with massages every night!!! Adam got on a rec basketball team with three guys, all above 6'4", one 6'9", and still they lost their first game, how does that happen?!?! I'm playing on a work softball team, (oh yay, my vball team lost in the first round of the playoffs :( so were done). Our Softball team name is the DNR's. How funny is that! On the back of the shirts is a picture of a normal heart rythym and then it flat lines! Everyone on the team is an RN except like 2 people, we all pretty much stink too, so this will be good! We had our friends over the other night, they have a 15month old little girl and Acorn was terrified of her. She is never shy or scared of people, but I think Jersey was just too close to Acorns size, but just big enough to seem like a giant cat!
We reserved our Dland hotel and our Catalina Island hotel!!!! The big disneyland trip is coming up! We have a good friend who works on the Hells Kitchen set and lives in LA, so we are gonna get to see her too, very exciting.

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