Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday Harbor

This blog is about our wonderful visit to Friday Harbor, but first heres Adam's leg:

He had a plate and some screws removed that had placed about 4 yrs ago when at the Haws' Adam landed on his ankle while catching a touchdown pass (as the story is told) in an early morning Thanksgiving football game. Hopefully he'll feel better when he plays basketball now!

Gary and Margo (Adam's parents) came to WA to visit! They live in Alaska on the Alutian Islands in the Bering Sea! So, Adam and I were lucky enough to go see them while they were home in Friday Harbor. This is Adam's family, with his two brothers Jeremy and Bryan.

We did family pictures and these are just some sloppy wanabes till we get the real ones.

Cousins Jared and Melissa and little Myles. We lived with them for two summers while in college. We missed them and it was great to see myles whom we hadn't seen since our wedding, which was like 3 days after he was born.

The big family dinner! It apparently took 6 guys to run the BBQ

We used the community church to eat and celebrate 4 March birthdays
Gary's, Allison's and Adam's, and Jason's, Adam's friend..... he's pretty much a part of the family.

Not the best picture, but all the girls. Heather (Ali's sister), Melissa, me, Allison and Margo.
We played sharades, Boys V Girls. The boys actually did better than expected.

FH Highschool has an open gym night so the Posenjak boys and the Allens got into an intense Bball game. Adam did this with his 3 week post-op ankle, I about died! The girls watched and Dillan and I played one on one.....he beat me

Frisbee Golf

Adam's birthday!!! The big 2-6. He has never had an ice-cream cake and always wanted one, so thats what he got.

Being with family was great as usual. Bryan and Allison were so great and let us all stay there, even though it meant Ali had to sweep like 12 times a day! Adam hadn't been on the Island or seen family in such a long time, I know it meant a lot to him and me, thank you Gary and Margo!

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