Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Your visit

I have decided that since we do not plan to have any visitors anytime soon, we will bring Reno and our everday life to you! (Huge Dork....? I'm aware)

This is typical downtown Reno, with the famous sign. If you look closley there is Adam and a few friends proudly posing.

Here is a different view of downtown. This picture is actually taken from one of the windows at my work.

Here is an old picture, when we first moved here, but here I am all ready for work!

This is our apt complex.....Pretty exciting!

Smith's is where Adam works a few hours a week. It is right down the street, and although Adam hates working here at 4am on Sunday's and Thursdays, it is good extra money and has actually brought him a few clients for his real job. He wouldn't let me take a picture of his insurance office because it is a work in progress. Gotta start somewhere!

This is what we see on our walk to Smith's. We live in a newer area with lots of office buildings and new houses and apt's. There is a small lake right next to those apt buildings you see. It brings in lots of pretty ducks, and duck poop.

Below is "terd hill", one of my favorite places to run. I'm talking about the brown one in front. I will let you know when I start running the big white one behind it.


The Posenjak's said...

we'er glad you guys have a blog, it's fun to see where you guys live. happy birthday uncle Adam hope you did something fun. love. Dylan, Nathan. Bryan and Allison.

Kara said...

Gosh thanks for the tour of Reno, seriously. But don't count us out as visitors. Judd and I would love to come and visit, we've talked about it a few times. Maybe it'll become more of a reality since Allstate cancelled our Hawaii and Paris trips - stinks!! Oh BTW what a cute nurse you make!!!