Monday, May 10, 2010

My nasty hand picture is gone!

Happy Mothers day to our moms and sisters/sister-in-laws!

Adam is very loved by our cats!

I will start by saying sorry everyone for the nasty picture of my hands. I got informed that it was really gross. I kept them well covered and protected at work. Imagine if your nurse had hands like that.....hahaha, I look like I have Leprosy!

Momma always finds the most awkward, uncomfortable place to lay, like here- on top of costco toilet paper plastic wrapping.

This weekend was out to get me. I had a softball game friday night, and in the second inning this old lady on the other team, who had been keeping track of all the substitutions informed the ump that we were illegally substituting, so subsequently I could hit the rest of the game. this inferiorated me because we are in the lowest rec league you can be in,
AKA: NONCOMPETITIVE. We had no idea this form of subing was illegal. If it gives you any idea, I've never really played like competitve softball, not even growing up and Adam says I'm one of the top 5 best on our team. I was mad not because I couldnt hit anymore but because who does that???? Who intentionally keeps track of substitutions in a noncompetitive rec slow pitch game. And she kept stopping the game for others things that weren't up to "official league rules", the ump and even her teammates were annoyed. It would be way different if this was competitive, they beat us 22 to 8.

Then the next day was this obstacle race downtown called the "Runamuck". It's like 2.5 miles for each person in the 2 man relay. You dress up and jump over hay bales, run through a group of football players with hitting pads and run through a foam pit and best of all you slide/run through a giant mud pit- hence the name- "Runamuck". Well my teammate, Liz, went first and got all muddy and fabulous. Then my turn, Adam and Dave were waiting at the mud pit to take pictures. But right before the mud pit Adam infomed me that it was closed down because some guy jumped in and then couldnt move his legs. There were ambulances and barracades everywhere. So I missed the mud pit! It was very dissappointing, but the poor guy! I guess he had a C5-C6 break and is paralyzed, at least temporarily. Here is us after the race.

I had to use the tight and bright outfit again! It may be overdone, at least the whole 80's thing but it's just too wonderful

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