Thursday, May 27, 2010


We love food and its a priority for us to eat healthier food. So I thought I would share some of our favorites:
*Fruit- I could eat fresh fruit til I'm blue in the face! Especially raspberries and strawberries!
* My ultimate fav is chocolate ice cream cones by Skinny Cow. They are even better than regular ice cream, they have 150cals and like 5 grams of fiber. Delicious!
*Jennio Turkey products= the best! we eat ground trukey now in place of all our beef (although we still will eat a good BBQ'd steak any day). Watchout other brands can have way higher fat
*Turkey burgers- good ones at costco, a few grams of fat and 35 grams of protein! Then you can eat them on those thin wheat buns from Orowheat
*Jumbalaya- just found this recipe yesterday. Google Paula Deen Jumbalaya and she has a great recipe. For the meat I just did 2 Chx breasts and 3 Jennio sweet turkey sausage links. Again that Jennio turkey sausage has a great nutritional layout- especially for a sausage replacement.
*Sarah Lee honey wheat bagels- way better than Thomas even though Thomas usually has better bagels in general. Then your stuck putting cream cheese on it, yes, but its morning and you can always use 1/3 less fat.
*Jimmy Dean and Banquet turkey sausage for breakfast- pretty good
*A whole young Chx thrown in the crockpot with garlic, rosemary, onion, s and p.
*Fresh frozen fruit in plain lowfat yogurt, maybe with a little Kashi Go Lean Crunch mixed in- I like it, but most may not
*BBQ'd Salmon with lemon. You can BBQ it on a cedar plank too for extra no calorie flavor
*Stoneyfield yogurt- Costco use to sell them, but now you can only find them at an organic store like Wholefoods.
*Fiber One blueberry muffins- Actually pretty good. Don't underestimate the fiber though. I figured I eat plenty of fiber so I could handel 3 muffins one morning at work-i payed the consequences.
*Whole wheat pasta- most brands are pretty good.
*Multigrain Cheerios- I love 'em, but its still cereal so, lots of carbs and little to curb your hunger
*Subway!- Of course you can go wrong here- but such a great quick, easy, and healthy eat out option
*Brown rice
*Pork Loin
*And of course my recipes for- Garlic lime chx, turkey bisquit bake, curry chx, grilled chipotle salmon.....If they sound good I can give anyone the recipes!

I'll stop here!

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