Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Phone Pictures

Finally figured out how to get these from my phone to my computer. Just randoms. I called in sick today, thats why I've been blogger happy, I've just been laying around, feeling better tho
Acorn loving Adam

Acorn being an acrobat

Acorn's "old man toe hair"

Poor little Blakies owee

With the Po fam in Entiat on the river

Flowers on Catalina Island

My BF's dogs: Lola eating Kaines tail

Like always Adam and Acorn Snuggeling

Italian Festival

Momma stuck in a plastic bag- nothing new

Acorn being fat- also nothing new


We love food and its a priority for us to eat healthier food. So I thought I would share some of our favorites:
*Fruit- I could eat fresh fruit til I'm blue in the face! Especially raspberries and strawberries!
* My ultimate fav is chocolate ice cream cones by Skinny Cow. They are even better than regular ice cream, they have 150cals and like 5 grams of fiber. Delicious!
*Jennio Turkey products= the best! we eat ground trukey now in place of all our beef (although we still will eat a good BBQ'd steak any day). Watchout other brands can have way higher fat
*Turkey burgers- good ones at costco, a few grams of fat and 35 grams of protein! Then you can eat them on those thin wheat buns from Orowheat
*Jumbalaya- just found this recipe yesterday. Google Paula Deen Jumbalaya and she has a great recipe. For the meat I just did 2 Chx breasts and 3 Jennio sweet turkey sausage links. Again that Jennio turkey sausage has a great nutritional layout- especially for a sausage replacement.
*Sarah Lee honey wheat bagels- way better than Thomas even though Thomas usually has better bagels in general. Then your stuck putting cream cheese on it, yes, but its morning and you can always use 1/3 less fat.
*Jimmy Dean and Banquet turkey sausage for breakfast- pretty good
*A whole young Chx thrown in the crockpot with garlic, rosemary, onion, s and p.
*Fresh frozen fruit in plain lowfat yogurt, maybe with a little Kashi Go Lean Crunch mixed in- I like it, but most may not
*BBQ'd Salmon with lemon. You can BBQ it on a cedar plank too for extra no calorie flavor
*Stoneyfield yogurt- Costco use to sell them, but now you can only find them at an organic store like Wholefoods.
*Fiber One blueberry muffins- Actually pretty good. Don't underestimate the fiber though. I figured I eat plenty of fiber so I could handel 3 muffins one morning at work-i payed the consequences.
*Whole wheat pasta- most brands are pretty good.
*Multigrain Cheerios- I love 'em, but its still cereal so, lots of carbs and little to curb your hunger
*Subway!- Of course you can go wrong here- but such a great quick, easy, and healthy eat out option
*Brown rice
*Pork Loin
*And of course my recipes for- Garlic lime chx, turkey bisquit bake, curry chx, grilled chipotle salmon.....If they sound good I can give anyone the recipes!

I'll stop here!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Disneyland and Catalina Island!

WARNING: long post
My last day of work before vacation was a train wreck, So I needed this

We started out in Long Beach, the good ole LBC. Usually when we drive into California we like to bump Tupac, but we didn't have an Ipod hook up in the rental car so instead we drove by freeway signs and through cities acknowledging the cities and places Tupac had sang makes us feel like were Californians, on that note, I found my new favorite flower/tree thing while waiting for the ferry to Catalina.

Here's long beach from the ferry (its actually a catamaran type boat, not a ferry)

The ride over was fun, salty fresh air, what more could you ask for!

Heres our hotel from the dock, right on the beach front

So this is our hotel room, I took this picture from the very deepest corner in the room! We only stayed one night, and were out being adventurous most the time anyway.

Beautiful plants and trees, it was very tropical, kind of like Mexico! We found all sorts of things on our Sunday morning run through the town. We also found a local community church which we attended later that morning, very fun!

The famous Casino behind us. Catalina Island is a lot like Friday Harbor, but smaller and tropical. The first day we sat on the board walk and picked out people that play the same role as the people we could identify on FH. That was fun. It was so nice to be on the water! If only we had the time and money to fish! I saw the California state fish in the water, hes super cool and neon orange.
Now its off to Dland!!

This our friend Katie Vaughn. She lives in LA and came down to see us for dinner. It was so great to see her. We saw her mom in Reno for a work conference a few days earlier for a fabulous dinner! How Ironic, two Vaughn spottings in one week!

We stayed at the Hyatt thanx to Adam's childhood friend Chuck, who really hooked us up. We had a King suite, with two 55inch flat screen TV's and he had chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne delivered to our room. This picture is only 1/2 the room, the living room and giant bathroom are missing :) We payed less than 1/2 the price for this one than the Catalina one. hahaha. So when we weren't at Dland we enjoyed the two pools, good restaraunts, work out room and just loungin watching the flat screens!

After dinner with Katie we got into the park just in time for the fire works!!! I love fireworks! Then we literally ran from ride to ride- Space Mtn to Indy to Splash Mtn to Pirates of the Caribbean back to Space Mtn, and on and on. The next morning same thing but throw in all the California Adventure rides like Toy Story Mania, Soarin California, California Screamin and Maliboomer.

I really enjoyed the parade: Celebrate You!!!! But Adam thought it was kinda gay.

The weather was mostly so-so. This gave us premium rideability!

I had to do it. I waited in line for this, which made us miss one of our wine tastings in CA Adventure, but it's Minnie! CA had a Food and Wine festival gong on, so once we got past the first day and half of running around like mad people trying to hit all the best we sat down and enjoyed more than just rides. We learned about cheese and wine, chatted with crush, watched a bugs life three D show (twice per Adam's request), found the Tower of Terror- excellent ride, Enjoyed the Tiki Room and browsed downtown Disney.

This is California Screamin taken from the top of Maliboomer

I love Sully!

Our last time on Toy Story Mania, I finally beat Adam!
We had a blast in Dland and are now recovering!

PS: we stayed in budget, which makes a good trip better!
PSS: Best rides to repeat over and over are- California Screamin, Toy Story Mania, Tower of Terror, California Soarin, Indian Jones, Space Mountain, and Thunder Mountain. Try it once but never repeat- It's a Small World-unless you do hallucinagents.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Holy Shorts

Adam tried to convince me that I could just "patch-up" these shorts

These beloved shorts have already been patched up and now are worse than ever. The patches would hardly have anything to hold on to seems as though any sourrounding fabric is on its way out too, and this is only the backside.

My nasty hand picture is gone!

Happy Mothers day to our moms and sisters/sister-in-laws!

Adam is very loved by our cats!

I will start by saying sorry everyone for the nasty picture of my hands. I got informed that it was really gross. I kept them well covered and protected at work. Imagine if your nurse had hands like that.....hahaha, I look like I have Leprosy!

Momma always finds the most awkward, uncomfortable place to lay, like here- on top of costco toilet paper plastic wrapping.

This weekend was out to get me. I had a softball game friday night, and in the second inning this old lady on the other team, who had been keeping track of all the substitutions informed the ump that we were illegally substituting, so subsequently I could hit the rest of the game. this inferiorated me because we are in the lowest rec league you can be in,
AKA: NONCOMPETITIVE. We had no idea this form of subing was illegal. If it gives you any idea, I've never really played like competitve softball, not even growing up and Adam says I'm one of the top 5 best on our team. I was mad not because I couldnt hit anymore but because who does that???? Who intentionally keeps track of substitutions in a noncompetitive rec slow pitch game. And she kept stopping the game for others things that weren't up to "official league rules", the ump and even her teammates were annoyed. It would be way different if this was competitive, they beat us 22 to 8.

Then the next day was this obstacle race downtown called the "Runamuck". It's like 2.5 miles for each person in the 2 man relay. You dress up and jump over hay bales, run through a group of football players with hitting pads and run through a foam pit and best of all you slide/run through a giant mud pit- hence the name- "Runamuck". Well my teammate, Liz, went first and got all muddy and fabulous. Then my turn, Adam and Dave were waiting at the mud pit to take pictures. But right before the mud pit Adam infomed me that it was closed down because some guy jumped in and then couldnt move his legs. There were ambulances and barracades everywhere. So I missed the mud pit! It was very dissappointing, but the poor guy! I guess he had a C5-C6 break and is paralyzed, at least temporarily. Here is us after the race.

I had to use the tight and bright outfit again! It may be overdone, at least the whole 80's thing but it's just too wonderful

Monday, May 3, 2010


I tried boxing the other day, with didn't work out so well.