Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dancing the night shift away

I'm back to nights, which means I am forced to act like a true 24 year old. I have to stay up late even on my days off. Now this sounds like I am being sarcastic but I am not. I like to have a very set (narotic if you'd like) scheduel. I am use to going to bed between 9 and 10 on days I work and no later than 12 on my days off. This works very well with Adam's scheduel too, but now I am on nights 7pm-7am. Adam was in Seattle this weekend doing business and visiting friends. I have no pictures of this of course I have to twist an arm to get pictures taken of the guy friends when I'm not there. But because Adam was gone and I had just started nights my good friend Kaylee and I decided to have a girls weekend! After being called a grandma by my own husband, Kaylee and I and some friends from work went Salsa dancing till 4 AM! It was crafts the next and dancing again the next night till 4 AM again! We also watched her sisters softball game, she plays for University of NV and I went out to dinner with another girl friend to complete the weekend. Despite all the fun and being a "girls weekend", I only have two good pictures, and neither are with the girls!!! (sorry about the blurr, I have a bad camera that claims antiblur but you be the judge)

This is a coworker and friend Jedd, trying to line dance. We are at a country dancehall. You would think he could pick it up....he's from South Dakota! He reminds me a lot of my brother Jordan.

This is Jedd and I again at Mustangs dancehall. We had so much fun. Kaylee is somewhere in the backgound hitting on boys. Jedd and I requested "Sweet Caroline", but were the only ones dancing and belting "Sweeeet Caroline, bum bum bum!" (Heels and dancing all night don't mix.)

There are not too many things I love more than dancing, so despite not liking the night shift, it's only temporary and has its perks.
I had to put this picture, because I was thinking this past weekend about how much Adam loves to dance. At his good buddies wedding last summer he danced with every women there from age 8-80, no joke! We use to swing dance in college a lot too. When Adam came home we both agreed that we had great weekends but couldn't help but think how much more fun it would have been if the other person was there!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Your visit

I have decided that since we do not plan to have any visitors anytime soon, we will bring Reno and our everday life to you! (Huge Dork....? I'm aware)

This is typical downtown Reno, with the famous sign. If you look closley there is Adam and a few friends proudly posing.

Here is a different view of downtown. This picture is actually taken from one of the windows at my work.

Here is an old picture, when we first moved here, but here I am all ready for work!

This is our apt complex.....Pretty exciting!

Smith's is where Adam works a few hours a week. It is right down the street, and although Adam hates working here at 4am on Sunday's and Thursdays, it is good extra money and has actually brought him a few clients for his real job. He wouldn't let me take a picture of his insurance office because it is a work in progress. Gotta start somewhere!

This is what we see on our walk to Smith's. We live in a newer area with lots of office buildings and new houses and apt's. There is a small lake right next to those apt buildings you see. It brings in lots of pretty ducks, and duck poop.

Below is "terd hill", one of my favorite places to run. I'm talking about the brown one in front. I will let you know when I start running the big white one behind it.


Adam and Acorn cuddeling. This is a usual occurence, although Adam likes to pretend he is really annoyed by her constant cuddeling, I think he actually really likes it.
Skiing before the snow melts!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gas and Guns

On Saturday we went to Arena Cross where they race dirt bikes and do stunts. It was a lotta fun, a lotta really intersting people too! We had a good time but by the end we all smelt like nacho cheese and gasoline! These are two friends I work with Megan and Kaylee. Megan has a dirt bike, and so does her fiance Marc, he actually use to race. Kaylee and I just watch! (I just got my hair cut, A little too short!)
I borrowed Marc's .22. Like most girls, this is probably one of my favorite kind of guns to shoot. No kick!
We like to go shooting back in the hills, so here is just a few pictures of Adam and I, and our friends Marc and Megan outside of Sparks. Marc has quit a few guns. Adam has two rifels that I have never shot cause when he shoots them they almost take his shoulder out! He has a 243 Winchester and a 7mm Mag Savage, he says he also has a 410 shotgun in storage. He is working on polishing up the 243 and making it look brand new. We also have a 40 caliber Glock that I like to shoot, but that kicks back quit abit too. In the picture below you can actually see the smoke from the gun and the bullet hitting the dirt (we won't tell Marc it's suppose to hit the little black cirles on the white board). hee hee. A storm came in so we weren't out for long but it was a fun day!


Adam and I had a date night last weekend and we went wine tasting and went to sushi for dinner. The wine tasting was fun because we like to act like we know what it means when the server says something like " this is a Pinot Noir from New Zealend, actually
from the same vineyard as Redwoods Savionough Blanc that date back to the early 1900's but with a more blueberry flavor hint, and if you hold it in your mouth for a minute you can capture the huckelberry infusion." Adam and I look at eachother while the guys standing there and give eachother an "oh..... splendid huckelberry!" look. We like to pretend we are fancy. We then went to sushi. Our second experience only and we had a blast.

Above is a picture of a quail egg in a bunch of stuff like soy sauce, flying fish eggs, cock sauce and seasoning. We actually took a shot of this, which as we found out later is pretty bold for new sushi eaters. Our sushi expert friends were very impressed!!! We had all you can eat sushi and we were stuffed! It was soooo good. Unfortunatley or fortunatley this place is right across the street from out house and the service was awesome. Below is our actual shot in action and the server we had do it with us.

It actually wasn't bad at all (despite my face!!!)