Friday, January 20, 2012

My Birthday

Well turning 27 is quit depressing. It's ok laugh like everyone else did at work when I told them the same thing. It means you are no longer in your mid 20's, or even just your 20's, you are now in your LATE 20's, which means almost 30! My 21yo friend at work asks me where I "went out" to for my Bday. And I thought "oh thats right, "going out". Am I still expected to do that?!?!" Well, my "going out" consisted of going to a fancy Italian restaraunt with my husband. Wild and crazy night!-In bed by 10. A part of me feels I should be somewhere else at this time in my life, but when I really look at where I am, it's actually exactly where I chose to be, for the most part. In fact, Iv'e grown more than I ever thought I would by now. But being 27 and not having a house, kids, and getting ready to leave my stable job makes me feel like I'm running out of time. Which is a funny concept-running out of time. Most healthy people live until well past there 70's. So that gives me over 40yrs before Ive "run out of time" and even then i'm running out of time to do what? Well, have a family and a house and a stable life..... To have a "stable" life for 40+yrs sounds like a long unexciting time. So, the way I see it, before I get to my stable conventional years (which I do look very forward to) I might as well build a strong foundation to live on for 40 yrs. Get the education and job I want, have the experiences I want, and learn a few life lessons to teach my kids. Plus if I was so worried about my place amongst those around me, I would end up living their life not mine. So onward! :)

Adam's cousins came to town that weekend before my bday and we got our segway on!

Segways are acutally more fun than I thought they would be! We rode around for an hour or so and then went to lunch downtown.

This is Chris with baby Ryann, Emma (Adam's cousin) and Adam. We had a good time that weekend with them and Adam's other cousins, Chris and Sonja and their kids. They came from Susanville and Sacramento. We went to the Cocounut Bowl which is like a giant play land. Mini golf, go-karts, foozeball, a ball pit, bowling, etc. Good weekend.

A few days ago Adam made a bunch of cream soda, were excited to see how it tastes. The Rootbeer he made a few weeks ago didn't carbonate right :( But the beer he made 6months ago is apparently good according to the local brew master guy :)

I joined a womens group that meets at the church at 10am on Tuesdays. We are reading a book called Fearless by Max Lucado. At 10am on Tuesday morning I didnt know what I would find (maybe Maurie, hahaha- thats a nerdy joke.....Tuesdays with Maurie.....its a book) anyway, Adam said I would fit right in cause it was probably gonna be a bunch of old quilting ladies. Well, Adam was wrong, it was mostly stay at home moms in there 30's-40's. This week was our first meeting (or my first mtg with them) and it was great. I really enjoyed sitting in a room with 8 or so women who have a completley different perspective on life than me! very exciting. They all had kids of varying ages, a few had jobs outside the home, one actually said she was "bored" with her life. For once in my life I wanted to actually just sit and listen to them, without telling them about me! Sometimes its nice to not have school on my mind, and all my friends are work friends so we just talk about work all the time. This is like my own little lady world, haha!

This weeks takehome: "Fear, at its center, is a perceived loss of control. When life spins wildly, we grab for a component of life we can manage: our diet, the tidiness of a house, the armrest of a plane, or, in many cases people."

This coming week: In Spokane to interview with Gonzaga, and all over WA visiting friends and sisters! Adam in Portland at the Nines, ooooooo. Baseball games start in March!

Monday, January 2, 2012

December/New Years Stuff

Our Christmas was very wonderful, and spoiled. I got the Oral B toothbrush Ive always wanted and a LG sound bar for my rockin out I do around the house. I got many other great gifts including PJ's, sewing stuff, earrings.... Adam got a lot of baseball stuff- a new bat, bag, penny loafers.....

The aftermath

These are my "genuine sheepskin Uggs". They came in a box with only chinese writing, came in a color that must be a limited never-before seen edition (no not the color I picked), and only cost a little less than regular price! I got these online on black friday as part of my Chrismtas gifts, clearly they are fake. This was a tragic experience. Luckily my bank is investigating the company (who refused to give me info to send the item back and said they would charge me 50% of the items cost if I returned it). Good news is I found someone who wanted them! Fake and all- my friends 13yo daughter loves them!

Ice skating downtown

This pic is for my mom- as she likes to make fun little treats like this. A friend brought these into work. So cute! A chocolate covered cherry, hershey kiss, almond slivers, on a half oreo!

Ace and the wild horses again!

We got real close this time, it was fun!

Way up top hes scouting the rabbits!

New Years Eve I worked but after we went to my friend Leslies house for "Italian Fondue"! She had skillets full of hot butter/garlic/anchovies then a ton of diced meat and veggies to skewer and cook in the sauce. There was beef, duck, chicken, oysters, chucker, shrimp, calamari, elk..... pretty neat. We rang in the new year with Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest, nothing too fancy, but fun.

On new years day Adam wasnt suppose to work but then this apt burned up and he spent the rest of the day working :( Bad way to start the new year for the poor guy who lived here

This was the culprit.
Then today, Jan 2nd, Again Adam works half the day because a sewer got clogged in the parking lot and was leaking all over!

Our "houseguest" that was staying with us finally moved out and I got my sewing room back! So I started a new project today! Also Gonzaga offered me an interview so I am making my plans to fly to Spokane the end of this month! With school coming up the fun-trains gonna slow down as we prepare for college life once again :)happy and :( sad