For Halloween Adam was a hillbilly and I was Wonder Woman
We decorated our car for trunk-or-treating at the church. Everyone is to have a game for the kids to play and of course, hillbilly Adam's was a shooting game. It turned out really well. We taped pictures of the pasters to each bottle that was to be shot- the kids loved it!
Adam's been working with the childrens ministry, I think he really enjoys it!
Trans Syberian Ochestra!
Very cool, everything I thought it would be! It's just like a Christmas rock concert!
We walked out of the Arena and it was snowing! Perfect! ( And perfect for the fires that had been burning up parts of Reno that day)
My WHOLE family did a turkey trot Thanksgiving morning! I loved it. Adam ran the whole 5k, and although he doesnt say much about it, I'm very proud and I think he is too- this being his first 5k. It was cold, but the rain had ceased for the 2 or so hours we were there. I was so happy all this was done as a family- not one person was missing :)
Adam and I with my sister Jenny, Brett, Tyson, Blake, Cade and Adalyn. Waiten for the "Go"
Plenty of Carb and Protein replacement afterward!
We spent the rest of the day hanging out, watching football and was great!
Adalyn and Haley- the oldest and the youngest of the grandkids.
This is Harrison checking out the dinosaur quilt I had just made him for his Birthday.
Adam was a jungle-gym for all the boys!
Luke with his "Turkey-Oreo"
Tyson, Adalyn, Jaclyn, and Luke.
It was a great Thanksgiving vacation with my family! Adam also got to see his friend Jason and I my friends Brittany and Terra.
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