Thursday, November 25, 2010


The day before Thanksgiving Eve a friend of Adams wanted to go give gloves, sleeping bags and such to the homeless. It was predicted to be 6degrees that night and she felt bad for these people. We were happy to go, but in all honesty Adam and I are anything but bleeding hearts- infact we are pretty horrible people, espcially myself, I'm a little jaded. But I'm glad we went and everyone was extremely in need. It gives you a new perspective on being grateful. The next morning we started out Thanksgiving Eve with first of the season skiing. It was great weather but as we got onto the snow, we both go to click in our boots and off of Adam's bindings pops a few washers and he is unable to get his boot clipped. He told me to go up and he would meet me after a few runs. I guess his bindings are unfixable and he never got to ski. He hung out in the lodge while I skiied for about 2hrs. We then went shopping for Turkey day food, and then went to a friends house for appetizers and games. The morning of we layed around and watched football. Until about 2pm when we had Thanksgiving at a friends place. Hours later it was back to our place to watch Elf, my favorite movie! Now as Thanksgiving comes to an end I lay out our plan of attack for Black Friday tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving, to family and friends- wish we could all be together!

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