Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adam's Turkey, Black Friday and Christmas Decorating

Adam's smoked turkey was beautiful and delicioius so I had to show you a picture.

Black Friday: It went well actually and I would totally do it again. We arrived at the mall at 4:15AM. My first stop was Express where everything was 40% off. Then we went to Macy's- and again only bought things that were at least 40% off. These are the only places we bought things and ended up leaving the mall about 5:30, which was good because it started to get crazy but really, if you get there first thing, its not bad at all- and we both hate to shop. There were a lot of stores open but really didn't have any good sales, so beware, they are just trying to feed off the the frenzy! It also really helped that I had a plan and that 2 days before I had gone into Express, tried on what I wanted and then was able to come back and just grab the items and sizes I needed and go. I also had envelopes labled with store names and inside had pictures of what we wanted and coupons from the Sunday ad. We got 3 pairs of jeans, 1 sweater, 3 tank tops, 2 dress tops, a necklace, a pair of mens dress shoes, 2 mens dress shirts, 2 pairs of slacks and a jolly good time for well under $500. Thats a lot of stuff! It was all good brands too. So the take home message is: Black Friday is worth it if you have a plan and stick to it, know what you want, stay in your budget, and get there early and get out! Here's all our stuff!

After getting home I took a nap, then got up around 0830 and did Plyometrics (P90X stuff) with Adam. At the time I was actually feeling good. Today my toilet seat parts are really sore! I then went to the book store (yes, there was an envelope for this one) in my sweaty nasty running shorts and a big jacket. I spent too much time there fiddeling with Christmas stuff and trying to decide which 5$ Christmas CD to buy. Adam calls and says his friend got us tickets to our minor league Bball team- the "Reno Bighorns". So we accepted and went with Dave and Rosa. This friend of Adams works for the Bighorns so we got club seats, third row back from courtside. Yes, they are just a minor league team, but it was still cool to watch so close, and these guys are still really good. In fact on our team is a guy that played on the Mavericks last season, DJ Strawberry (Daryl Strawberry's son), and Patrick Ewing Jr (you can figure that one out). I LOVE basketball.
I really like to watch football too, but basketball is my favorite, espcially college, infact we dont watch NBA we only watch NCAA. I think I like bball so much because I know the game better than football and when I watch I can relate to how they feel when they play because I use to play and love it, but football I never played of course so as much as I like it, I have no personal connection. Speaking of football- UNR beat Boise State last night in an EXCELLENT game! Go Pack!!! There was a 14point spread on Boise, but the Pack came through big.

The next day we got our Christmas tree and started to put up our decorations

Random Pictures

The bachlorette party the other weekend with work friends- Jen, Leslie and Liz.

It was really bright and Adam didn't have sunglasses, all we could find were ski goggles. heehee

It's kinda blurry but I woke up to this the other morning. So pretty!

The girls doing what they do best- sleeping and looking cute

The act of ink. It was very apparent this guy knew a thing or two about tattoos, and Adam asked around and did some research. I supppose you wouldn't go to an out of shape trainer right.....or a bald hair dresser?

Adam's new tattoo. This was right after he got it. You have to keep it wrapped for a bit I guess.

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