Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Spirit
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Adam's Turkey, Black Friday and Christmas Decorating
The next day we got our Christmas tree and started to put up our decorations
Random Pictures
The bachlorette party the other weekend with work friends- Jen, Leslie and Liz.
It was really bright and Adam didn't have sunglasses, all we could find were ski goggles. heehee
It's kinda blurry but I woke up to this the other morning. So pretty!
The girls doing what they do best- sleeping and looking cute
The act of ink. It was very apparent this guy knew a thing or two about tattoos, and Adam asked around and did some research. I supppose you wouldn't go to an out of shape trainer right.....or a bald hair dresser?
Adam's new tattoo. This was right after he got it. You have to keep it wrapped for a bit I guess.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, to family and friends- wish we could all be together!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...Already!
Adam and I might do black friday. Risky?- Yes, but thought it might be fun. We are also getting ready to plan our first of the year ski day! The lifts have already started to open. Also, the big news on Adams list is his new tattoo. Yep, a big black tattoo on his calf. I was a little anxious about it, but he came home and said- it's exactly what he wanted, so that made me happy. He's been thinking about it for over a year and really, if its what he wants then its what he wants. When I first started to panic about it my friends at work kinda laughed and assured me that its not a big deal. And it took a few days for me to really believe it just didn't matter. It's of a cross he designed himself so its not like its mighty mouse or a unicorn or something super cool (sarcasm). I told him I just wanted him to be happy with it and have it really be of something that meant enough to him to be a permanent part of his body. Apparently its not done yet either. No pic though, sorry, I will work on that. Also, Adam ran the other day, he is preparing for his first 5K he is going to do early next year! I'm so proud. He is also doing P90x, which is kicking his butt! We did the yoga together the otherday, thats hard stuff!
I'm getting so excited for the holidays! Even tho it will just be the two of us :(
Thursday, November 4, 2010
If I Could Just Toot My Own Horn For a Sec.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Fall Cleaning
We did some pumpkin carving with Ben and Stephanie's kids, Haley and Mckenzie. Adam did most of the design and gutting work.
In the end we had two very scary pumpkins!!!
Adam and I have recently become SF Giants fans. No we are not band-wagoners, although my announement comes with bad timing being that they just made it to the World Series. Of course the Mariners are our team at heart but we don't get all the NW games, so since SF is the closest team to us, we are now fans! "Fear the Beard!"
We lost our power last night due to the high winds. It was kind of fun hanging out without TV and falling asleep to candel light. :)
Our Life Group, AKA Bible study group, is reading and discussing a book called "The Prodical God". It's a very good book about the parable of the prodical son, or after reading the book and understanding the parable- the TWO prodical sons. The book tells a cool little story that I really like and thought I would share:
One day Jesus asked his disciples to carry a stone for him. Peter, being practical found the smallest stone he could and put it in his pocket. Jesus then told them to follow him and led them on a long journey. Around noon he had them all sit down and then turned there stones into bread. Peter's lunch was very small. When lunch was over Jesus again said "I would like you to carry a stone for me". This time Peter thought "ah hah, now I got it" and found a huge boulder and hoisted it on his back. They began walking again with Peter barley keeping up, but thinking "I can't wait for supper!". Jesus then stopped hours later at a river and said "Now throw your stones in the water". So they did. Peter and the others looked around dumbfounded. Jesus sighs and says "Don't you remember what I asked you to do? Who were you carrying the stone for?"
"It is only when you see the desire to be your own Saviour and Lord-lying beneath both your sins and your moral goodness- that you are on the verge of understanding the gospel...." -The Prodical God, by Timothy Keller
Thursday, October 14, 2010
:) Running Again :)
-Momma opens the door on her own now. She escaped the other night and a neighbor picked her up and had a "pajama party" with her. This neighbor now calls us and tells us that her cat TOLD HER that she misses Momma and wants her to come over again for another "pajama party", really!?!?!
-I got called 4 times from my work 2 days before I returned from my vacation. Really?!?! What do you want? Oh thats right, they want me to come in for OT or for some housewide meeting or to switch days with me. I called back and 3 different people wanted to talk to me. I guarentee you I am not that important, but I guess it was nice to know they missed me! :)
Vacation Home: My babies!
Blake and I caught 12 grasshoppers!
Baby Adalyn
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Vacation Home: Terra's Wedding
Terra is very flowery and has a bubbly personality, Brandon listens to heavy rock music and likes skulls. They are great together and the quilt was fun to make bringing in both of their personalities!