Monday, August 31, 2009

Our 2yr anniversary!

Heres a quick glimpse of Hot August Nights

This was one of my favorite

This is a Shelby, Ellenor, just like the one in Fast and Furious

San Francisco!!!

Iv'e always wanted to go, it's like a big lego city. Everything is stacked on top of eachother. We took the subway there. Adam was very paronoid about the big city folk, but I thought It was very adventurous! Although we probably contracted some sort of disease on the bus

Here we are smiling, before we walked through the Tenderloin District. Our hotel people told us we could walk to our hotel from the Civic Center subway stop. So we started walking, and kept thinking we would soon leave the "creepy part" of San Fran. It smelt like pee really bad, all the store names were written in Chinese (I think), windows were boarded and seriously creepy people were starring at us as they leaned against the wall drinking out of brown bags. I was in a skirt and Adam was wearing a polo, flip flops and pulling a rolling suitcase. We were asking to be mugged/raped. Adam was dying! He finally found a cab and about threw the lady who was in it out so we could take it. As if the BART subway wasn't bad enough on Adam's anxiety

In front of Alcatrez

We were in San Francisco for like five seconds but got to see Pier 39, and Crookedest Street.
(Oh ya, we went to Hooters that night for dinnner, it was the cheapest place around. Happy Anniversary! ha ha)

Six Flags: Discovery Kingdom!

This was the next part of our anniversary trip. The wooden roller coaster behind Adam was our very favorite.

Shes riding the dolphin!

Kinda looks like Acorn

I got to feed them!

This was our second favorite, a straight shot up and a straight shot down!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Fun with the Friends and Fam!

So after two fantastic weeks of vacation in the homeland, we returned home and unfortunatley had to go back to reality. It's always way worse to go back to work after vacation, I went back to nights too! And Adam went to a week long event, Hot August Nights. He's there from 10am-10pm Sunday-Saturday. Talk about a welcome back. But vacation was WONDERFUL and we were greeted by our girls when we got home who were very happy to see us and our suitcase.

The two week advanture started off with a bachelorette party for Amy and the next night an engagement party for Terra.

This is Terra and my other childhood bestfriend Brittany. It was so great to see them!

And the longtime tradition of camping at Fort Stevens begins!

The first day we went to a private little beach with all the kids. Me and my dad went canoeing with the little ones.....I hope somebody has a good picture of that

Jacqlyn playing in the sand (Ecoli invested sand as Judd would describe it! haha)

Blake and Jacqlyn

The sisters
We don't have many pictures all together, I was very excited about this one!

Harrison and poor Cade, running around like naked mad-men!

Mom and Adam got really into a puzzel

Me and my beautiful nieces!

We went to the Astoria column and the kids threw little wood planes off the top, very exciting!

All nine of my nieces and nephews!
This is a picture by my request, of course me being the only one without kids, I thought it was an excellent idea. About 6 pictures later and lots of moms yelling for good
behavior, this is the best picture we got.

The Zoo we call camping

Grandpa and Luke

Can't go without smores

Luke looking ever so cute

Uncle Adam and Blake

Danielle, grandpa, mom, dad, Jacqlyn(under the black blanket) and me just sittin, another camp favorite

Savannah, Blake, Haley and Tyson at the "secret" spot Adam and I took them to at Coffenbury Lake

This is what bath time for the little ones looked like.
Camping was fantastic as usual. It was so great to see all my sisters, my mom and dad, grandpa, cousins, aunts and uncles, and especially all my nieces and nephews. I wish I could be there to watch them grow!

Amy and Blakes Wedding!

The bride and I de-boneing Salmon for the big day

We did a little fishing ourselfs on the Columbia River with some friends who grew up in Cathlamet, WA- the home of the bride and where the wedding took place.

Adam, me, Katie and her parents stayed in the cutsest little cottage on the River. Katie is a college friend and lives in LA, it was great to see her.

This is one of the bride and grooms gifts- the Aqua Skipper. The Gifter was gladley testing it out for them. Very funny!

After all the preperation (left those pictures out) the big day finally came. Adam and I were both in the wedding. By the way this is the couple I made the WSU quilt for.

The wedding was in Amy's backyard on the Columbian, it was beautiful. I got to walk with the cutest groomsman!

The beautiful bride and her daddy

With a ceremony on the dock

Me and some of the college girlfriends

The first dance

Adam trying to dance with all the ladies

We all loved seeing eachother and had a great time!