Friday, February 20, 2009

Nevada's state flower

So, Adam's 8 year old nephew Dylan is doing a school project on the state of Nevada and asked Adam to send him some Nevada things, like a state map and a postcard. So today, Adam and I go downtown together to a slinky suveniour shop to get some stuff for Dylan. We pick up some most obvious things that represent NV: fake gambeling chips, a deck of cards, fake gold, a road map and some post cards. I am walking around this store getting kind of depressed that boob cigerette lighters, dice and casion chips are what represent NV the most. So we walk back to our car that is parked at the worst casino quit possibly in NV, Cal Neva, and I get even more depressed as we walk through it. Casino's are smokey, dark and I hate them. We are approached by a kid about our age but a bit scary looking who asks Adam if he has change for a five. Adam being from a small island says "sure I do", pulls out his wallet and gives the guy five ones, and the guy hands Adam a "five dollar bill". As soon as the guy walked away we realized it was a fake five dollar bill and the punk kid just walked away with five dollars!!! I am really upset. It is only five dollars but now I really am hating NV. We get in the car and I start off and tell Adam how annoyed I am with dirty casion's, poop brown hills and the whole state of dirty Nevada. Adam goes on to tell me that he loves Reno and we actually end up getting into a fight about it. He goes on to say that he would live here for a ver long time and there is so much to do and the weather is nice, I just need to learn to appreciate a different kind of beauty than what WA has. Sure this is partly true, but being from WA, it is easy to miss the beautiful green. I give up and quit talking. I pull out the things we bought for Dylan and start reading the post card. On the back it says: State Bird:........State Song:........ and then comes State Flower:.........SAGEBRUSH. I read this to Adam and we both start busting up laughing. Really sagebrush, theres no way thats a flower and even if it is, it is the ugliest "flower" I have ever seen. They make sagebrush camo. There is no way that something made in a camo should be a state flower. This lightens the mood. We get home and Adam's off to a meeting for work and I go running. As I am running I think, at least in NV I can run pretty much year round due to the usually good weather. This puts me in a better mood. As I am thinking this I realize that I am running through hills of luscious golden sagebrush. So what better to do then pluck some up and display it in our home. This will show Adam just how beautiful Nevada truly is. So below is a beautiful bouquet of the Nevada state flower.
In Adam's defense it may not be "sagebrush season", but I will save you the time of looking it up on line. In full bloom it has a hint more yellow. In reality I do like NV, but it is very different than WA, and at times I really miss the green and I REALLY miss the water (how Adam doesn't, I don't know!). But, there is a lot to do and expereince while we are here. I will wait patiently till Adam gets home and see's our new display of Nevada pride! Just keep in mind they make sagebrush camo, enough said.
This is the newest quilt pattern I learned, the Shoe-fly. A friend a work's mom is a super quilter and has a fabric store at her house. She invited me over and we had a quilting day. It was lots of fun. This fabric is not the stuff I am using for my latest quilt I last mentioned, but it will now be my next project!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Adam's new thing now is Coyote hunting. I figured hunting was for the eating or other use of animals but apparently not when it comes to Coyotes. Adam says that people are actually hired to just sit on peoples property and kill Coyotes because they kill farm and domestic animals. So I say, okay go for it, but I would like a pair of coyote slippers, at least this would be putting it to use. No slippers yet, but I will update you when I get some.
I am currently working on a new quilt. It will be the first one I will do without my mother, but I have already called her plenty of times and haven't even cut into the fabric yet!!! Triathlon season is coming up and I am trying to convince adam to do one with me, I haven't really been successfull yet. For now, I am keeping busy with work, but unfortunatley I will be going back to nights come march. Hopefully for only a month or two. Most days I can say that I really enjoy my job. I get to do things that most would never want to think about doing and I get to do things that some could only dream of doing. I have a good time with (most) my patients and families and I really do enjoy my co-workers. I have decided to try and find a way to post my scheduel. This is mostly for my sisters and mom who are always very understandably confused by when I am and am not at work.