Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas. I worked Christmas day, but we were able to decorate lots, actually buy presents this year and Adam's parents were down from Alaska and stopped in to visit us. It was a wonderful Christmas. The year before, our first Christmas as husband and wife was very memorable, but we lacked a lot of the resources to be able to celebrate the traditional American way with a big tree and lots of gifts. Adam actually sold his Wii so that we could buy eachother gifts, and our tree was actually a twig, we put in a vase, we cut it down with a dollar store kitchen knife. This is a true story, so we were very thankful for all we had this year. We actually knew all of our gifts before Christmas morning. We had gone to a ski swap a month or so before and picked out what we wanted. We decided that was our goal this year, to be skiers!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Oh the beauty and memories of your first Christmas! It's great to start out poor, it's fun memories and good stories. Besides how to you truly appreciate what you have now! Besides the tree last year was the BEST!!!!!