Pyramid Lake Triatholon with my friend Liz

Liz coming up from the swim

Me in my bike transition (notice no other bikes around. My swim went horribly- I panicked in the open water as I usually do!)

Coming across the finish!
-camping with the smith fam-

My fires will never be small and pueny

Blake, Jaclyn, Tyson and Cade

Tyson and Matthew- Seaside, OR

Another beach trip- Why are digging ditches in the sand so fun? I remember doing this too!

Harrison looking like a little Axe body spray boy! A nice lady let ALL the little ones go for a ride

Blake, Tyson, Matthew, Harrison and Cade

My dad and I going for a bike ride

These boys were cracking eachother, and everyone else up. Like two old men...

Battery Pratt

All my little ones except Adalyn and Cohen

Baby Adalyn
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