Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ace as a Nun/Gangster

We walk on a near-by trail with lots of wild horses. Ace can sense their power and keeps his distance

My friend from work Mat, got married this weekend. The ceremony was beautiful and the weather was very sultrey. It was cloudy and windy but yet the sun was shining through the clouds. The spot overlooked the city.

This is Mat the groom and David another friend from work. The bride is very shy and I do not know her so there are few pictures with her :( They got married very quickly after meeting so a lot of us don't know Tauni- the bride, very well.

It was like a big Roseview ICU party! We find a way to party everywhere we go!

This is my friend Raveca. She has become very special to me latley, but is moving to Sacramento next month. We will be going to Women of Faith together- only 3 weeks away!

(No pictures with Adam, he had what we thought was food posioning. But now I'm sick 2 days after him with what I think is the flu)

Like I said, the bride is shy, but Mat is anything but, as you can tell by his amazing dance skills!

We went to the hot air-balloon races again. We have a friend from NY who just moved here a few months ago. He had never been so we all went.

It was 9/11 so they did a tribute and had jets fly over doing the "Missing Man" formation. If you look closely you can see the five of them in the sky. A few minutes after the jets flew over us, no exaggeration, a group of 5 birds in the exact same V formation flew over us and one of the birds flew out of formation. They flew like this until you could no longer see them in the sunrsie. Everyone around gasped. It was really was very eerie.

Blowing up the balloon. I have always wondered how they did this

They had a Darth Vader one that everyone loved! I guess you could take a ride in it for like $300/hr!

Nizar (NY friend), Adam, me, Chelsea, and Brandon. Chelsea and Brandon are our neighbor friends. Brandon has been staying with us for awhile. Nizar is also our neighbor and I work with him. He's Lebanese so we kept giving him a hard time about being at the 9/11 tribute. We called him "Nick" the whole time we were there(so we wouldn't blow his cover). We would lean over a couple times and whisper to him- "We're your friends right? You will tell us when to run won't you?". Or his phone would ring and he would be like "It's my cousin, I have to take this". We are weird sick people I know, but every friend needs a good teasing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Pyramid Lake Triatholon with my friend Liz

Liz coming up from the swim

Me in my bike transition (notice no other bikes around. My swim went horribly- I panicked in the open water as I usually do!)

Coming across the finish!


-camping with the smith fam-

My fires will never be small and pueny

Blake, Jaclyn, Tyson and Cade

Tyson and Matthew- Seaside, OR

Another beach trip- Why are digging ditches in the sand so fun? I remember doing this too!

Harrison looking like a little Axe body spray boy! A nice lady let ALL the little ones go for a ride

Blake, Tyson, Matthew, Harrison and Cade

My dad and I going for a bike ride

These boys were cracking eachother, and everyone else up. Like two old men...

Battery Pratt

All my little ones except Adalyn and Cohen

Baby Adalyn