Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Plans

Adam and I already have our whole summer planned out. August is big travel time. Early in the month we are both flying back to WA, but not together and were not going to be in the same place. Adam will be up in Friday Harbor visiting his family and friends and I will be at Fort Stevens visiting my family and friends- which includes a trip to Vancouver CA, in which I might see Adam while in Bellingham visiting some friends of ours. Adam is so stoked to go to the island he can hardly contain himself, and everytime I see Blog pictures of my neices and nephews I get so excited to spend time with them and my siblings camping! Then we come back and I have 7days before the UT Smith family reunion. I work 6 of those 7 that'll be fun. But the reunion is very exciting. I will get to hang out with Aunts, Uncles, cousins, Jenny, my dad, and Kara and her family! But, again I travel without my other half :( He's a hard working man. I hope Adam and I can find some time for a romantic and exciting camping trip! Or even a day shopping trip in Sacramento. Neither one of us like to shop for clothes much- but were both in need! On the short Summer list of things to do include:
Go to a hotsprings
Go camping and hiking in Zephyr Cove
Minature Golf
Wakingboarding at Almanour with the cousins
Shopping Trip
Save for a TV (Adam) and Save for a bike (me)

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