Monday, March 29, 2010

Diary of a freaker-outer

In a previous blog I mentioned my stress or anxiety issues, so heres basically a dairy of what this looks like:
I Love to plan, I'd like to say that I have learned that planning doesn't work, but I have not learned this, only acknowleged that I can plan on my plans occassionally not going according to plan. So I think things like so: I'm 25, I want to go back to school and I need to have babies soon, I'm excited for this and then very fearful, what will happen to my traveling?, my running?, my quilting?, my marriage?, and not to mention the ideas in my head that I need a real house to have a baby. So in my unrealistic mind I make up this temporary plan to get pregnant at X time and then apply to school (while pregnant, but not too pregnant or they will know and not accept me) at Y time, so that I can have the baby right before school would start, (okay now all mothers can laugh together). But heres the kicker, I need to NOT be in NV to go to school, theres no anaesthesia schools here. So that means we need to move to either CA, WA or OR (all have schools and Adam, or GBA rather, have licenses here). However, my moving does not depend upon me, no why would it, I'm not 18 anymore, it depends upon life. Or in other words, things out of my control! Like GBA's growth and wether or not, even when it is big enough, we can realistically move to where I can go to school. Plus, you never know whats gonna keep you somewhere. So then that takes you back to the house thing....So, if were here for lets say 2 more years, which is probably realistic, then we rent for 2 plans to buy?.?. But what if that 2 years turns into 5,6,7, etc.!!! And we should have just boughten! And if we are here that long, I plan on retaking statistics before I apply to school, but you have to take it within 5 yrs of applying, so how do I know when to retake statistics? And keeping in mind most people don't get accepted into school the first time, especially to the places I want to apply. So, these are legitimate concerns right? And before I do all this I need to travel to a few key places before my life gets turned around... Like Hawaii, Napa Valley, Disneyland (happening in May!), and Yosemite.

1 comment:

Kara said...

LOL!!! Oh Chelsea, that's why you all to often hear people say "We didn't expect....", "We should be over with this phase, but..." or my favorite "And next thing I know we have ? Jr." I don't think you'll ever find one person who says that their life has gone according as planned. I know mine hasn't & it's been a blast! I could go on & on thinking I have great wisdom, but I'll stop as not to embarrass myself ;)