Monday, July 25, 2011

Teeley's Wedding

Our college friend Adam (Teeley) got married this weekend in Truckee, CA. Its about 45minutes from us, outside Lake Tahoe. We spent the whole weekend with friends and doing airport runs. It was great.

Breakfast get-together

The whole crew. The groom is in the yellow.

The boys went golfing the day before the wedding. This is Blake, Adam, Alex and Josh(brides cousin)

Momma and Poppa Vaughn, Katie and Matt. Momma and Poppa Vaughn are Katie's parents. They come to all of our weddings! They flew in from Arizona, Katie from LA and Matt from Seattle.

Ahhhh, As I have said many times before...... I love weddings! Teeley actually met Natalie when he was down visitng us a few years ago. Who would have thought it would lead to this!

Mr and Mrs Teeley

It was on a beautiful golf course

Katie and I

Alex, Amy, Blake, Katie and I

Dancing of course!

It was great to hang out with the college buds! Other highlights include- Amy and I shopping in downtown Truckee, walking home from the wedding using the light of glowsticks, the stars at night were unreal!, catching up, taking walks, lounging in the was all fantastic!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July- Fun and water!

A few weeks back we took Ace to Lake Tahoe for the day to get him use to the water,

apparently it was an exhausting day for the little boy!

Ace and his girlfriend Bee

This was another attempt at swimming. Ace likes water, but is scared to swim. He can do it (we may or may not have pushed him in before) but just wont do it!

We found this fresh water stream 2miles from our house, never knew it was there!

The other weekend we did a hike up to Horsetail Falls in CA. Its a bit past South Lake Tahoe, beautiful!

There's the top! It was a warm beautiful day

Aside from the big falls, there were tons of little ponds for us to play in. The water was freezing, but refreshing and crystal clear!

Our exhausted zoo! It's been in the mid-high 90's and it really tires our animals out. Ace wont go for walks in the middle of the day because of the heat. So, at night we have to take him for runs, but we are too tired by the end of the day so we drive in the golf cart and have Ace run next to it. On the 4th of July, I worked, but Adam didn't, so he played in a golf tournament and placed second! After I got off though we drove the golf cart across the road and up a dirt hill to watch the fireworks, it was fun. The golf cart is the apartments but we like to drive it like its ours :)

Last weekend a friend of Adams invited us out to Tahoe for the weekend, with him, his wife and a few friends/family. I thought it would be awkward cause I had never met anybody there, they were about 15 years our senior and they are literally multi-millionaires. But it was acutally a lot of fun! I got along great with his wife and her sister and everyone was fun and laid back.
We spent all day saturday, 11 hours, out on the boats, wakeboarding and just lounging. They had two boats, one was a speed boat we would wakeboard off of and the other was a Bayliner. Adam had a blast driving the Bayliner. His buddy, Chris, had him drive it for a few hours while a few from the group headed back to the cabin in the other boat. Adam was in heaven. He would rather drive the boarders then be one. He's good at it too, probably thanks to his days working at Roche Harbor

This is Chris' step son wake surfing- looked super hard so I never tried! I wakeboarded instead, I hadn't done it in like 4years but got up the first time! We wont talk about Adams wakeboarding experience.

Adams such a good boat captain!

We had such a good time! The only time it got awkward was when I was telling a story and mentioned beer-pong, and they had no idea what that was and then when Chris' wife was dropping me off at our apartment (Adam had the car and was golfing with Chris), she says "oh these are nice, I had a friend that lived here while her house was being built". Internally I laughed, cause she meant nothing by it, but it was kind of funny as she drops me off at my apt I have lived in for 3 years in her Escalade- the crappiest car they own. But they are rags to riches self-made millionares so I never felt like they were snotty or stuffy

From Morning 'til dusk out on the water.........Amazing