Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sweet Remarks

I got this from a patient I extensively took care of and grew to really care for,
Attached to a vase of flowers read a card:
"We believe that God sends angels in our time of need. We know that you were that angel He sent to take care of Ron."
I almost cried!
They called me a few days later from home and had me tracked down (I was working in the other ICU) to ask me questions about some symptoms he was having. Of course I couldn't give them medical advice but his wife said she wanted to talk to me because "I knew Ron so well". :) I knew there was a reason I put up with bodily fluids of all natures, disrespect and name calling, stupid people, and overall frequent feelings of frustration.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Are You Ready for the Summer?!?!

(note new sunglasses)
This weekend was busy! I am kind of a loner and dont ever think twice about hanging out by myself. But this weekend was very fun and friend filled! Friday night was a going away party for a friend at work. So after work, Adam met me and a bunch of my co-workers at a mexican restaraunt. We had a good time and ended up staying until they basically did the old - slow music, sweep next to you- bit. Then saturday we watched the MMA fight with some other friends and ate steak and potatoes! Sunday after church was the Aces baseball game with our new neighbor friends, Chelsea and Brandon. We ended up making a night of it to, doing dinner together as well. Tuesday we did dinner with them again too, and watched "The Voice" (not that cool of a show, not a big Christina Aguelara fan). So all, in all a busy and fun weekend! I have to mention a conversation I had with a friend during this weekend. He had mentioned to me before that he had been in prison, but never said for what. I never got nosey with him about it and a part of me thought he was joking. Well, this weekend he shares with Adam and I that he use to have a heroin addiction, along with an alcohol and "anything he could get his hands on" problem. He got put in prision for it and had to go through 4 years of treatment. He has also been divorced more than a couple times, and in general has been through a lot more than I ever realized. I have been thinking about that a lot latley. He is now a Christian and it is so cool to hear his story because he and those like him truly understand God's Grace and NEED it. They wake up everyday humble and knowing that if they don't walk with Christ every step of their day, they are putting themselves at huge risk. The same is true for everyone, it's just harder for an average joe to really live it and NEED that grace and life-line. He is now desperate for something outside of himself or anyone/anything else in this world, only what God can provide. Those are my favorite kind of people. When they talk, they actually know what they are talking about.

Adam got me a sun tea jar! I have been looking for one forever. They make a plastic one at Costco that Adam kept telling me to get but everyone knows that a sun tea jar needs to be glass! (insert here, laughing at me, I know) It's suppose to get up to 80 degrees, good day for tea!

Ace is working on licking Momma, not biting. I love this pic!

My pickels I jarred a few weeks back, kinda pretty

Ace must have had a busy weekend too! :)