Thursday, December 15, 2011

My work Christmas Party

Every year we have an amazing Christmas party at work. This was one of the games we played. We grabbed two of the Docs (one of which was our friend Nizar so it made it even funnier) and they put on this pajama suit and Night shift vs. Days- had to stuff as many balloons as possible in the PJs. Whoever had the most wins!

Dr. Parker had what we called a "hemorroid" hahaha. He didnt even know it!

Some of the girls at work!

And of course dancing. Everyone at work loves to dance!

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!

I was kinda mad she was in my lunch box.....but had to take a picture first

Adam started his coaching at Sparks High School! He is the assistant varsity coach with a friend of ours who is the head coach. I'm so excited for him and considering he wore this all day after their 8AM practice, I think he is too! He said it will be a rough year, only one returning starter and I guess the school is in a low-income area where the kids have little access to baseball before they get to high school. Last year though, the friend of ours whose the head coach had an excellent season and got coach of the year! Go Railroaders!

We got a little crazy with lights...they line our entire hallway!

-Oh and never blogged about my last minute trip to Salt Lake City. I applied to Westminster in SLC for my masters in anesthesia and they called on halloween and asked me to be there on the 3rd for an interview! So I caught a train and went. It was perfect my dad was coincidently there and I had an awesome time hanging out with him and my grandparents. Nothing to do for three days but the interview. It was nice. the interview went really well, I still have 2 other schools I applied to OHSU and Gonzaga. Westminster offered me acceptance which is a great blessing- I just pray for guidance with the other schools, as they are closer to home and at this time, seem more practical.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Halloween and Thanksgiving

For Halloween Adam was a hillbilly and I was Wonder Woman

We decorated our car for trunk-or-treating at the church. Everyone is to have a game for the kids to play and of course, hillbilly Adam's was a shooting game. It turned out really well. We taped pictures of the pasters to each bottle that was to be shot- the kids loved it!

Adam's been working with the childrens ministry, I think he really enjoys it!

Trans Syberian Ochestra!

Very cool, everything I thought it would be! It's just like a Christmas rock concert!

We walked out of the Arena and it was snowing! Perfect! ( And perfect for the fires that had been burning up parts of Reno that day)


My WHOLE family did a turkey trot Thanksgiving morning! I loved it. Adam ran the whole 5k, and although he doesnt say much about it, I'm very proud and I think he is too- this being his first 5k. It was cold, but the rain had ceased for the 2 or so hours we were there. I was so happy all this was done as a family- not one person was missing :)

Adam and I with my sister Jenny, Brett, Tyson, Blake, Cade and Adalyn. Waiten for the "Go"

Plenty of Carb and Protein replacement afterward!

We spent the rest of the day hanging out, watching football and was great!

Adalyn and Haley- the oldest and the youngest of the grandkids.

This is Harrison checking out the dinosaur quilt I had just made him for his Birthday.

Adam was a jungle-gym for all the boys!

My mom put together a Thanksgiving craft for all the kids. "Turkey-Oreos"

Luke with his "Turkey-Oreo"

Tyson, Adalyn, Jaclyn, and Luke.

It was a great Thanksgiving vacation with my family! Adam also got to see his friend Jason and I my friends Brittany and Terra.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

We decided it would be fun to shoot pumpkins..... And it was! We had a .40 glock, 2 .22's, 7mm, 12guage, M1, 20guage, and a few others, I just don't really know what I'm talking about :) I just shoot them! One of the .22's though was an old pump action. Adam traded with a friend and we now own it. It's really fun to shoot.

Going in......

Going out! Ouch!!!
Our version of carving pumpkins

Not bad :)

Apple Hill

The weekend I was in Sacrament for Women of faith, Adam made a last minute decision to meet me there saturday after the convention and drive to Apple Hill for the night. Apple Hill is an area in Northern California that is known for it's farms, produce and winery's. The town most notably connected to it is Placerville. This is where we stayed that night. Placerville is only about an hour drive from Sacramento. When we first got there, Adam suprised me by arriving to a bed and breakfast that we would be staying in that night. Iv'e always said I wanted to stay in a bed and breakfast! We pulled up and there was a little girl running around with only a diaper on and the man who owned the bed and breakfast was chasing her, he greeted us at the door- it was awesome!

Placerville from the hill by our B&B. The hill is scattered with old victorian homes

The front of our B&B

It had such funky fun decorations. I guess the owners were theatre majors

This is our cute little room

In the morning we were made apple struessel french toast and ate in the dining room. I could totally spend a week or so at a B&B. The concept is so fun!

We walked the short distance to "downtown" literally a street full of shops maybe 2 football feilds long. We soon discovered they had just started a wine and art festival- so we joined! We had a good time and afterwards ate dinner at a fancy cafe.

The next day was all Apple Hill

A quant little winery we visited

At another winery overlooking a valley

This was at one of the produce farms.

Along with a million kinds of apples and other fruits there was lots of fun craft stations. Adam bought and designed me 3 rings made from old buttons!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Women of Faith

I went to Women of Faith this weekend in Sacramento at the Power Balance Pavaillion (formly Arco Arena). There were 10,000 women who attended! I guess a lot of people are familiar with this conference but because I was not, I will breifly explain: It is a nationwide 2 day nondenominational christain conference for women only. They have lots of speakers and musical performers. This year the musical perfomers were Mandisa and Selah! Some of the notable speakers were Andy Andrews, Patsy Clairmont, Lisa Whelchel.......Some of the topics included friendships, "change can be good", stories of overcoming severe illnesses, not letting your emotions control your actions/words, strength in being yourself, raising polite children, motivational speaking, the power of prayer, .... It was a very freeing, validating and strength providing conference. I was laughing out loud many times and not just a cheesy dorky funny but really very halarious things were frequently said. I thought it might be a bit "heard that before" and dramatic fluffy stories attempting to pry deep emotion out of you, but it wasnt that at all. And all the ladies (and one guy) that spoke were odd, and I enjoyed that. They all had unique experiences that made them relatable and honest. One use to be homeless, one was agoraphobic, many severly obese, a couple well known for public rejection, a few widows, etc

This is Ravecca and I. The arena was packed! I grouped with a bunch of women from my church and other community churches in Reno. A bunch of us "tailgated" for dinner on friday night, which consisted of BBQing and fellowshipping in the parking lot :)

Some Good Take-Homes

-"I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition"
-"Feelings dont have brains. Dont let them dictate your actions" This was a light bulb moment for me! haha (Proverbs 29:11)
-"Fear is a feeling, and God has designed us with a will that is greater and stronger than our emotions."
-"People go from almost to almost all the time. People force answers and send their life into an almost all the time because of impatience with God"
-"Dont talk too long"
-"Seek wisdom. Choose what goes in your mind."
-"Fear is a misuse of your creative imagination" -"If you find yourself in a calling at church that you have no passion for, heres my reccommendation........move! Get out! Make room for somebody else God wants to use. And quit saying yes to everyone! Learn the power of No!"
-"Discipline is about what result you want, not what you dont want, but what life you want to create"
-"No one cares how you feel- they care how you act"
-"Every great thing thats happened to you didnt happen because you felt some way"
-"Forgiveness is a decision not an emotion. Breech each day with a forgiving spirit"

Books I bought: The Travelers Gift and The Final Summit by Andy Andrews. He was awesome! I am excited to read his books!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ace as a Nun/Gangster

We walk on a near-by trail with lots of wild horses. Ace can sense their power and keeps his distance

My friend from work Mat, got married this weekend. The ceremony was beautiful and the weather was very sultrey. It was cloudy and windy but yet the sun was shining through the clouds. The spot overlooked the city.

This is Mat the groom and David another friend from work. The bride is very shy and I do not know her so there are few pictures with her :( They got married very quickly after meeting so a lot of us don't know Tauni- the bride, very well.

It was like a big Roseview ICU party! We find a way to party everywhere we go!

This is my friend Raveca. She has become very special to me latley, but is moving to Sacramento next month. We will be going to Women of Faith together- only 3 weeks away!

(No pictures with Adam, he had what we thought was food posioning. But now I'm sick 2 days after him with what I think is the flu)

Like I said, the bride is shy, but Mat is anything but, as you can tell by his amazing dance skills!

We went to the hot air-balloon races again. We have a friend from NY who just moved here a few months ago. He had never been so we all went.

It was 9/11 so they did a tribute and had jets fly over doing the "Missing Man" formation. If you look closely you can see the five of them in the sky. A few minutes after the jets flew over us, no exaggeration, a group of 5 birds in the exact same V formation flew over us and one of the birds flew out of formation. They flew like this until you could no longer see them in the sunrsie. Everyone around gasped. It was really was very eerie.

Blowing up the balloon. I have always wondered how they did this

They had a Darth Vader one that everyone loved! I guess you could take a ride in it for like $300/hr!

Nizar (NY friend), Adam, me, Chelsea, and Brandon. Chelsea and Brandon are our neighbor friends. Brandon has been staying with us for awhile. Nizar is also our neighbor and I work with him. He's Lebanese so we kept giving him a hard time about being at the 9/11 tribute. We called him "Nick" the whole time we were there(so we wouldn't blow his cover). We would lean over a couple times and whisper to him- "We're your friends right? You will tell us when to run won't you?". Or his phone would ring and he would be like "It's my cousin, I have to take this". We are weird sick people I know, but every friend needs a good teasing.