Wednesday, July 8, 2009

No fun fishing

Adam and I attempted to spend a nice day together fishing on pyramid Lake, however we lost 3 lures within 6 casts, spent over 25 dollars on day licenses and a storm started coming in 30 minutes after we made the 45 minute drive. So much for a fun day of fishing! :(

The storm!

But we did get some good miniture golfing in later that night, which didn't contribute positively to Adam's day.......I won.

Friday, July 3, 2009

An introduction to our neighbor Dave

This was an acutal conversation Adam and I had with our neighbor Dave, whose a mathmatic genious. His girlfriend is coming into town to visit the next day

Me: So are you gonna clean your house and stuff for Rosa
Dave: Should I?
Me: Well ya, at least vaccum
Dave: you guys have a vaccum?
Me: Yes Dave, and you can borrow it
Dave: Are they really expensive cause I don't wana break it
Me: Dave, your not gonna break a vaccum, all you do is turn it on.
Dave: but i dont know how to empty the bag and stuff. How do you turn it on?
-So i show Dave how to turn it on
-Dave comes over a few minutes later
Dave: how do i make it do that angle thing?
Me: What?
Dave: like to make it go under things?
-Adams explains how to make it do the "angle thing"
-So Dave finishes and brings the vaccum back over.
Dave: How do I know if it worked?
Me: The floor looks cleaner, or there's dirt in the vaccum container
-After kind of standing there for a minute he says
Dave: So what do you do about like the bathroom and laundryroom floor? (which is tile)
-Adam and I look at eachother and smile. I already start to get up and get him a broom
Adam: you sweep it
Dave: what about a mop?
Adam: you have to sweep first Dave
-So Dave borrows a mop and a broom. Again he comes over unsure of what he has done and gets Adam. He was afraid the mop might have actually "pushed dirt on to the floor" because the kitchen tile still looked dirty he said. Adam explained to him that the tile is varigated and suppose to look that way.

Dave is very special, we have to help him out a lot. All he eats is hot pockets and frozen pizzas (after we showed him how to use the oven, no joke)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Melissa's Wedding!!!

Melissa's wedding was this last weekend in Bremerton, WA. Melissa is my good college friend.
Before the wedding, shopping had to be done of course, so us girls set off to diligently shop as you can see. (people actually wear these!!)

Here is the bride and her bridesmaids at the rehersal dowtown on the docks near the ferry landing.

The rehersal dinner was very fancy, at her soon to be mother-in-laws place.

On the way home me , Amy and Kali found big hats in Mel's truck, so of course we found much delight in them

Unfortunatley Mel has some pretty crusty friends and the next morning we went running and met Mel at the beauty salon......

The beautiful bride and her crusty friends!!!!!

Melissa had a very cute little flower girl.

We eventually attempted to clean up

This is a really neat picture. Melissa is looking down from our hotel room window at her ceremony set up, you can see all the chairs (thats only half, it was a very big wedding) and the harbor view.

And the night begins

This is all of us college girls....together again!!!! Coming from Spokane, Silverdale, Portland, Reno, LA and Birch Bay. Very fun and exciting!

It was a beautiful fancy wedding

-I love my girlefriends very much and we had a blast. Unfortunatley you get together a bunch of 25yr old girls, recently married or soon to be and I get home and recieve this text message from a poor confused husband: "What the heck happened to my wife! She came home from the wedding and now all she wants to do is have babies. Can you talk some sense into her!"

Tubing down the Truckee River

The other weekend we went tubing down the Truckee River. We have wanted to do this ever since we got to Reno but never got a chance last summer. Apparently this is what people around here do.

I almost died at least twice until my friends all laughed at me and told me that you should NOT ride on your tube head first on your belly.

It took us about 4 hours to get to the end, or downtown. One person parks at the beginning and another downtown. Lots of fun, but we came home with lots of bruises!