Saturday, May 30, 2009

Emma's Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miles!

Adam's cousin got married in Redding, CA on May 9th. The wedding was beautiful and it was great to see all of Adam's family again and meet some I had never met before. We had a blast!

At the rehersal dinner, the night before, Adam and Uncle Harold manned the BBQ
Emma's step dad, Casey performed the ceremony at a beautiful park along a river

I happily took beautiful baby duty

The little ones were soooo cute. These are cousins Scott and McKenna
We missed Gary!
This is "the crew", some of Adam's aunts, uncles and cousins from out of town that stayed at the hotel together. We really had a great time.

The next day (mother's day) we went to Weaverville, where Margo and her siblings grew up. We attended the church they grew up in and visited the gravesites of their parents and Adam's cousin Scott.

Adam and Margo in Downtown Weaverville!-Cute little town

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I did my first 1/2 marathon on Sunday, the Reno Rock-N-River. It was a rainy day which bummed some people out, but I thought it was quit refreshing.

And were off!!!
The coarse followed the Truckee River and went through some really nice neighborhoods, mostly trail and flat. No in between pictures but it was a very pretty coarse.
This is the final stretch......

I never quit caught up to my pace person (my solemate)
But I met a guy whose solemate I was, so the race was on

This is not my actual finish picture, but me and my new friend sprinted into the finish like champs! (of coarse I must mention I beat him. hee hee)

Mmmm, free massages afterwards

I got an award!

I placed third in my division. Yay!
Like the great #1 fan he is, Adam sat out in the rain and waited for me. What a good little hubby!

Megan's Bridal Shower

Megan (on the left) is getting married in June, so last weekend she had her bridal shower!!!

Of course it had to be done, the toilet paper bride game.

Kaylee Won!
It was a fun day. Kaylee and I had a little girl time on the way over to Susanville, CA. I ended up staying after the party and helping Megan with her invitations while Adam and Megan's fiancee were fishing.

Mom and Acorn

Aren't they cute!!!

Acorn loves the fireplace!

This is why we usually don't let them sleep with us, cause instead they sleep on us!

Me, Kaylee and Laura

Just a pretty church downtown

Adam and I on the Wine Walk