Monday, December 21, 2009

Neighbor Daves First Christmas Story

Merry Christmas

Dave and I got into a 1hour plus conversation about God, faith and religion. He is so fun to talk to because he has no foundation whats so ever and has sincere questioning. He kept calling the crucifiction the crossifiction. So he comes over a few days later and asks Adam and I if our cats have souls. We tell him no, when they die, they just die. He thought that this should make us sad. So we got into a conversation about what happens to your soul after you die, we said some go to heaven some go to hell, depending upon your acceptance of Christ. His take on things is so interesting, he says so if your "bad", you really don't want a soul cause then you just rot in the ground and dont have to suffer hell?
That same night we were going to a live nativity scene at a local lutheran church and asked him if he wanted to go. We had to explain what the nativity scene was, which included explaining Jesus's birth and what a manger is. After the little nativity presentation that was put on we get in the car and Dave says "so that's it?". This allowed Adam and I to explain and elaborate on the whole story. Dave thought that because it ended with the three wise men bringing gifts, that Jesus and his family were then rich, hence the point of the story. As much as this story makes you chuckel at Dave it really was cool to explain to him for the first time the story of Christmas and Jesus's birth.

But here is a story simply for chuckeling at Dave (as a disclaimer he is aware and okay with our occassional chuckels at his expense)
Daves says while having a discussion about his bad driving: "It's not that I'm a bad driver, I'm just too cheap to get my breaks fixed!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brittany's Visit

My best friend from home came to visit me this last weekend. Her, Adam and I had lots of fun. The fun started with my work Christmas party.....what a blast! I love the people I work with!!!

There was plenty of dancing of course. One of my bosses and a respiratory therapist won the hola competition

But Adam and I won this competition! I was blind folded and had to wrap his head as if he got a craniotomy and then restrain his hands.

So.....this is a real picture. We were all dancing and Matt (the green man) comes out of no where dressed like this and starts dancing with our boss. Halarious!!! Although in retrospect it looks more creepy than funny. Guess you had to be there

The next day was sledding on Mount Rose!

Downtown this time of year is a giant Christmas party with over 5,000 people

Most people just dress like Santa, but we chose 1Santa(me), a snowman (Adam), a Christmas tree(Britt) and a reindeer(Dave)

Adam was sooooo excited that he actually found a genuine "corn-cob pipe"

We found this shopping cart and thought Blitzen should pull Santa's sleigh!

Afterwards errupted a HUGE snowball fight. The main road was blocked off for the party, so on either side of the road, giant snowballs were being thrown, the street being the danger zone. Seriously a very cool thing to see, there were thousands of people involved in this.

Dave got hit! So here he is showing Adam who to go after. If you look at his clothes you can see exactly where he got hit......he was down for awhile.

Adam preparing a snowball and eyeing the enemy

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bob the Beast

Bob is our 2008 Subaru Outback, now I know the things that are said about subarus and the stereotypes they carry about the people that drive them, but I must say we love our Bob! The other weekend we drove to Sacramento for the California International Marathon. The Marathon Relay went well, our chip didn't register though so our team lost out on second place in the Coed division, but what can you do. Really though Bob was the champion! On our way home I-80 was closed due to zero visibility going across the pass. Theres really no other way home so we just waited. It took us over 5 hrs to get home, when it usually takes just over 2! But Bob was riding the ice and cuting through fog and snow like nobodys business! We were passing trucks, cars with snow tires and well, pretty much everyone. He did the same on my way to work the next morning. He may be grey, boring and super practical but he's a beast!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Little Thanksgiving & Yoga

It was just the two of us and neighbor Dave for Thanksgiving. It was nice and relaxing. We had all the usuals turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, green beens, ect. The night before we had a "pre-Thanksgiving," per Adam's request. He taught me how to play cribbage, but became frustrated that Dave and I were not taking it seriously. I had worked that day and was very tired so by 11pm I was all goofy and laughing at everything and Dave kept obsessing over the gift he ordered on-line for his girlfriend. He would just sit there and stare at it. Adam swore to never play cribbage with us again.

Just this morning Adam and I went to yoga for the first time together. It was fun, and a good thing for Adam's inflexible hamstrings and sore back, even though he said he felt gay. But as we were doing some of the "manuvers", with our eyes closed, I could hear Adam moaning and groaning, making the strangest noises as he tried to grab both his ankles while laying on his stomach. I was trying so hard not to laugh, it became very difficult and a few times it slipped out. There was only 5 of us in the class, 3/5 were pretty serious about yoga. It reminded me of our freshman year in college, we were just barely friends. Me, Adam, his roommate and a friend of mine were taking a Human Nutrition final. They were passing out the finals and one of us said or did something, I don't even remember what, but it became so painful to not laugh that we all seriously were silently crying and holding our stomachs for the first 15minutes of the final, no joke. The whole room was silent and we were getting glared at and scolded for laughing so hard we were crying! Those are some of the best moments in life, when you laugh so hard you cry, especially when its inappropriate to be doing so.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Big Sur

Last weekend was my Big Sur Half Marathon in Monterey, CA. Adam's good childhood friend Charlie lives there and hooked us up with a great room at the Hyatt. Below are some pictures of the golf course that sits on the grounds of the hotel.

The morning after the race, Adam was napping and I got some chai tea and sat right here in front of this sand pit and watched the guys golf on the 17th green (you can see it in the R corner). I learned a lot that day about golf. I realized I actually really liked the idea of guys playing golf together, pretending to be gentleman and playing a game that they are all horrible at. I didn't see one guy on the green put the ball in the first time. So, they pay lots of money to play this game their no good at in slacks and polo's and drive around in little carts and appear as if they are gentleman playing the gentlemans sport. But having sat there for about an hour the idea of not being able to change a man was confirmed. They would drive those golf carts like mad men, swear and curse everytime they had a bad shot, smoke cigars and you know in the back pocket of those fancy pants was a big old nasty chew can, not to mention the cheap beer they had tucked in their golf bags. It's a funny thing

The 7AM start, over 6,000 runners.
The pictures following is the trail that the race took place was unbeleivable how beautiful it was, we even ran past Pebble Beach Golf course. 90% of the race was ocean side!

I had never seen Aloe plants before they were everywhere

I eventually finished. The good news about the race is in the pictures above, it was beautiful, great weather, sea level, and.....well the only bad news really is that I did not beat my PR(personal record). The even worse news is that I should have, I trained way harder for this half than my last, it was at sea level, and at the end I didn't exhaust myself enough. My pace the hole time was good, but I didn't kick in soon enough at the end. I got done and felt too good. I missed my PR by like 30seconds. Live and learn. But........

I got an award for placing 4th in my division, this made me feel a little better. However the girl that placed 3rd finished 7seconds before me!!!!
But take a minute to look at this picture. This is a great picture because if you didn't know it
appears as if I finished right next to the Kenyan girl, when in reality she placed first and finished in a ridiculous amount of time ahead of me and everyone else there. Good picture to show your kids when your old and forgetful....

Neither one of us had ever been to the California coast

Very different sand than WA or OR coast

Adam cracks me up, all season long while I am training he makes fun of me, my running shorts my putting running before everything else, and then come finish time of a race, I don't beat my PR and lose third place by 7 seconds and he's all advice and motivation. He will deny it, but he said more than once that weekend, that he would like to run a half some day with me!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Our Early Thanksgiving

Last weekend we were able to fly to Wenatchee and see Adam's family. It was wonderful!
Our flight was suppose to get into Wenatchee around 1030AM, things got delayed and we were told the next flight we could take we get in at 11PM!!! So Adam worked some magic and we flew into Moses Lake, 1.5hrs from Wenatchee, with one other guy and got there around 1230PM. (there really was only one other guy on the plane, kinda fun!) I was kinda crabby that morning, not feeling too good, but luckily Adam whose always in a good mood, helped me feel better, that and we got $2 massages at the airport and I listened to Enter Sandman about 5 times. Anyway, the fam picked us up in Moses Lake and it was all fun and relaxation after that!

The first night was pizza at Janet and Lon's. It was really great to see everyone and hangout. The next days, we lounged around and played mini golf

This is our early Thanksgiving! Over 20 people at Gary and Margo's-it was great!

Adam and I came home with tons of Elk meat, salmon, guns and gifts from Alaska. We are very thankful we were able to make it. It was great to see the family and Gary and Margo before they leave on the 19th for Akutan.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Adam and I came up with a few ideas for a couples halloween costume:
Adam's: UFC Fighter & Ring Girl, 3 Legged race partners, A Plug-in and Socket
Chelsea's: Pebbels & Bam Bam, George and Judy Jetson, Flapper and a Mobster

Well we did not agree on any of the above, especially the UFC Fighter and Ring Girl, are you kidding!!!! Do you know what Ring Girls wear?!?! I said no to that idea. But Adam actually came up with a great one we both agreed on, but because of political reasons decided we better not. I was going to dress up as an INS agent and Adam was going to be an illegal immigrant. We thought it was hallarious, but Adam said it might offend people? So instead we were

You can't see our cute little tails but we dressed up as pigs! The whole outfit probably cost $10!
We made our own tails, noses and hoofs.

I don't really know this girl but she was at the halloween party too, dressed as the octa-mom, how funny is that! Also there was a chick magnet (he had barbies attached all over his body), a gynecologist, a fallen angel, a hippie, Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Ridding Hood, Waldo (as in Wheres Waldo) and then a bunch of your usuals.

My friends Kaylee and Laura went with the flapper thing, they looked so cute.

I wanted to randomly throw this in, the weekend before Halloween we went to Virginia City, this was a really beautiful historic Catholic church there. The inside was beautiful too but I didn't think it was appropriate to be snapping picuters, even though others were and they sold wine and jewlery inside the chapel. To each his own

Tea Party

While I was working nightshift for a few weeks we decided to have a tea party, so at 10pm we gathered up all the tea and treats that people had brought and celebrated......well nothing, but it was fun

We wore big hats and long bead necklaces. I worked earlier that day, but everyone else left their patients to come join in the fun..... the patients were all still alive when they returned, don't worry

PS: I made this hat myself, I was very proud

This may look like vomit but it was actually a really delicious tea straight from Poland

Friday, October 23, 2009

1 Funny Story and 1 Not Funny

(the funny one)
1. A bunch of us were out bowling with Dave, our special neighbor. Dave was talking about hockey and mentioned that in women's hockey you aren't allowed to check. We all agreed that that was pretty stupid and made hockey way less fun, Dave replies:
"Yay, thats why I play mens hockey"

(the not so funny one)
2. Adam calls me and tells me I need to hurry and get home, right as I was pulling into Michaels, the craft store. I ask why now since I'm so close to Michaels. He says if I don't come home now he will get arrested. He goes on to explain that there are two Reno Marshalls at our house demanding $350 for a speeding ticket he forgot to pay back in August, which was $130 at that time. So I hurry home, going no more than 5 over the posted speed limit to find Adam, not at our house but at the apartment office lobby, with plenty of people around, surounded by two large fully armed and suited officers. I was not happy. I kindly told them that if they would just simply have sent a reminder they wouldn't have to waste their time chasing down people who accidently forgot to pay a speeding ticket. The officers said that they don't send bills or warnings because they assume we are all adults and don't need point exactly, you know what assuming does
PS: The speeding ticket was in the category of 5-10mph over, a very dramatic response if you ask me

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Some More Fall Favorites

-Snuggeling on the couch and watching football

-Sitting on the porch together wrapped in a blanket with a glass of red wine, watchng the sun go down while listening to George Strait

-And of course pumpkin carving

.......Oooh and it will soon be time to use the fireplace!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall is here!

So Fall was officially here on the 22nd, but it didn't actually show up here until yesterday. I was very excited, so on the 22nd I got some mini pumpkins, gords and pumpkin spice candels and made a centerpiece out of them. Then Adam brought me home a burgundy and orange mum, perfect colors for fall! We also made a crockpot dinner, another Fall must. Then on my way into work, last NIGHT :( I drove with my windows down, hot tea in the console and butt warmer on. It was like 58 degrees, windy and smelt wonderfully of fall.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Annual Hot Air Ballon Races!

On Sunday Morning Adam and I woke up at 4:45 AM to see over 100 hot air balloons light up and fly away.

Jets flew over after the national anthem

There were so many balloons all around us in different phases of being set up that I couldn't stay still

I don't even know where they race to. The fun part is watching all of them set up and take off!