Our college friend Adam (Teeley) got married this weekend in Truckee, CA. Its about 45minutes from us, outside Lake Tahoe. We spent the whole weekend with friends and doing airport runs. It was great.

Breakfast get-together

The whole crew. The groom is in the yellow.

The boys went golfing the day before the wedding. This is Blake, Adam, Alex and Josh(brides cousin)

Momma and Poppa Vaughn, Katie and Matt. Momma and Poppa Vaughn are Katie's parents. They come to all of our weddings! They flew in from Arizona, Katie from LA and Matt from Seattle.

Ahhhh, As I have said many times before...... I love weddings! Teeley actually met Natalie when he was down visitng us a few years ago. Who would have thought it would lead to this!

Mr and Mrs Teeley

It was on a beautiful golf course

Katie and I

Alex, Amy, Blake, Katie and I

Dancing of course!
It was great to hang out with the college buds! Other highlights include- Amy and I shopping in downtown Truckee, walking home from the wedding using the light of glowsticks, the stars at night were unreal!, catching up, taking walks, lounging in the sun....it was all fantastic!