Thursday, April 29, 2010

Late April Events

This last weekend we went to A UNR softball game, our friend Kaylee's sister plays. It was great to be out in the sun watching softball. I even got a little color. Although they lost pretty bad!

Adam had another b-ball game last night, this one went way better than the last, they beat the other team by 30points! Adam hit two three pointers in a row.

I've now been at my job long enough to where I've started to discover there are people I just really don't care for. I kind of got into a little "tif" with one of them because he's chovenistic and was making sly sarcastic a child would. But he's on the board of medicine at the hospital so I guess I loose that argument every time, although it helps to know that everyone agrees with me in my dislike of him. Like Adam says, it doesn't matter if you like politics or not, they are a part of every job.

The other day a co-worker walks up to me and asks me what's under my scrub top and she point to the V neck area, I'm thinking, well a shirt silly, since I wear shirts under my scrubs. So I put my hand on my chest and feel this kinda rough was a dryer sheet, hanging out the top of my shirt! Good thing it was relativley early in the morning!

We finally got our herb box up and running! We thought long and hard where to put it so they could all get the amt of sun they required, we came up with the front porch ledge.

Adam spent his Sunday afternoon making this box, isn't he so handy? It was my valentines day present. If they look a little pathetic, it's bacause we had a huge wind storm the day after we bought them, 80mile/hr winds! That day I came home and Adam hands me a letter from our apt complex that reads:

"Dear resident,
Although your flower pots do look good on your patio.....Our insurance agent has advised that they must be taken off the edge of the patios. This is a safety issue...."
We both start laughing.......Adam is the the apartments insurance agent! So I say "Adam, this is your fault!"
He says its not him, it's the insurance company, making those "advisements". So he goes and talks with the apt ladies (who love him) and reassure them that this is not a flower pot, but an herb box with braces on either side, therefore it is a lot more stable, and technically okay. heeheehee

Monday, April 19, 2010


On Saturday morning I was asked to come into work early...... 4AM early! I said yes, so I worked on Saturday from 4AM-7:15PM. A Long 15hr day!!!! When my boss asked me to do this she had just given me a card that had some very sweet words about me and my contributions at work. She said the card was not given to me because of the favor she was asking, either way I accepted and she also said that if I did her this favor, I would be guarenteed permanant day-shift! Yay. It was actually one of the funnest if not THE funnest day at work I have ever had being a nurse (I had a lot of fun at The Crab House in Friday Harbor. Oh and yes funnest is a word in my dictionary) I had a blast. I started out working a few hours with my old night shift buddies, who are always wild and crazy, and then the rest of the day was spent with day shift buddies. It was just one of those really enjoyable days, fortunatley. I'm sure it had a great deal to do with the insanity feeling that comes with waking up at 3:30AM.

Adam had an interview with Big Brothers, Big Sisters this morning. He wants to be a mentor. He comes up with this stuff all on his own and its so cute! I guess they ask a lot of questions, it's a very serious thing. He also wants to be a part of the childrens ministry at church, I think he really enjoys youngens.

On Sunday it was a beautiful 80degrees! We went for a walk together which is always one of my favorites. It was almost 80 today too, and go figure, possible snow on Thursday! Thats Reno in the Spring! Adam and I also stopped by Home Depot to check out the supplies we would need for our Herb box we want. We are planning on growing Basil, Rosemary, Cilantro and Mint. Cilatnro will be great for salsa, we cook with rosemary a lot, and summers coming so we need fresh mint for Adam's famous Mojito's! Happy Spring everyone!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Not up to much.....and it's Great!

So we havn't been up to much. I accidently thickened our orange chicken glaze with baking soda, and it started to fizz. Adam's planning a golf tournament. My first close friend is almost due with a baby boy! I just bought a slew of new fabric for a new quilt!!!!- if I can just get the cats to quit eating all my thread!, and well thats about it. Easter was great, Dave went with us, and the day before I went to our churchs Easter egg hunt at a local park. There were 5,000 eggs!!! Adam and I helped stuff some the week before. Most our nights are spent watching Bones, American Idol, Biggest Loser or many others, while Adam ices his shins and I heat my butt. Adam plays basketball almost everyday despite his aches and shin splints and I run on all my days off despite my tight piriformis (butt) and now affected IT band. (my relay race is in less than 2months!) So basically were old and will be crippled and have osteoarthiritis at the age of 40, but right now it seems worth it. Adam made me a deal, if i clean up after myself everyday, he will give me a 5minute butt massage. So far it's been like a whole week with massages every night!!! Adam got on a rec basketball team with three guys, all above 6'4", one 6'9", and still they lost their first game, how does that happen?!?! I'm playing on a work softball team, (oh yay, my vball team lost in the first round of the playoffs :( so were done). Our Softball team name is the DNR's. How funny is that! On the back of the shirts is a picture of a normal heart rythym and then it flat lines! Everyone on the team is an RN except like 2 people, we all pretty much stink too, so this will be good! We had our friends over the other night, they have a 15month old little girl and Acorn was terrified of her. She is never shy or scared of people, but I think Jersey was just too close to Acorns size, but just big enough to seem like a giant cat!
We reserved our Dland hotel and our Catalina Island hotel!!!! The big disneyland trip is coming up! We have a good friend who works on the Hells Kitchen set and lives in LA, so we are gonna get to see her too, very exciting.