Monday, December 21, 2009

Neighbor Daves First Christmas Story

Merry Christmas

Dave and I got into a 1hour plus conversation about God, faith and religion. He is so fun to talk to because he has no foundation whats so ever and has sincere questioning. He kept calling the crucifiction the crossifiction. So he comes over a few days later and asks Adam and I if our cats have souls. We tell him no, when they die, they just die. He thought that this should make us sad. So we got into a conversation about what happens to your soul after you die, we said some go to heaven some go to hell, depending upon your acceptance of Christ. His take on things is so interesting, he says so if your "bad", you really don't want a soul cause then you just rot in the ground and dont have to suffer hell?
That same night we were going to a live nativity scene at a local lutheran church and asked him if he wanted to go. We had to explain what the nativity scene was, which included explaining Jesus's birth and what a manger is. After the little nativity presentation that was put on we get in the car and Dave says "so that's it?". This allowed Adam and I to explain and elaborate on the whole story. Dave thought that because it ended with the three wise men bringing gifts, that Jesus and his family were then rich, hence the point of the story. As much as this story makes you chuckel at Dave it really was cool to explain to him for the first time the story of Christmas and Jesus's birth.

But here is a story simply for chuckeling at Dave (as a disclaimer he is aware and okay with our occassional chuckels at his expense)
Daves says while having a discussion about his bad driving: "It's not that I'm a bad driver, I'm just too cheap to get my breaks fixed!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brittany's Visit

My best friend from home came to visit me this last weekend. Her, Adam and I had lots of fun. The fun started with my work Christmas party.....what a blast! I love the people I work with!!!

There was plenty of dancing of course. One of my bosses and a respiratory therapist won the hola competition

But Adam and I won this competition! I was blind folded and had to wrap his head as if he got a craniotomy and then restrain his hands.

So.....this is a real picture. We were all dancing and Matt (the green man) comes out of no where dressed like this and starts dancing with our boss. Halarious!!! Although in retrospect it looks more creepy than funny. Guess you had to be there

The next day was sledding on Mount Rose!

Downtown this time of year is a giant Christmas party with over 5,000 people

Most people just dress like Santa, but we chose 1Santa(me), a snowman (Adam), a Christmas tree(Britt) and a reindeer(Dave)

Adam was sooooo excited that he actually found a genuine "corn-cob pipe"

We found this shopping cart and thought Blitzen should pull Santa's sleigh!

Afterwards errupted a HUGE snowball fight. The main road was blocked off for the party, so on either side of the road, giant snowballs were being thrown, the street being the danger zone. Seriously a very cool thing to see, there were thousands of people involved in this.

Dave got hit! So here he is showing Adam who to go after. If you look at his clothes you can see exactly where he got hit......he was down for awhile.

Adam preparing a snowball and eyeing the enemy

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bob the Beast

Bob is our 2008 Subaru Outback, now I know the things that are said about subarus and the stereotypes they carry about the people that drive them, but I must say we love our Bob! The other weekend we drove to Sacramento for the California International Marathon. The Marathon Relay went well, our chip didn't register though so our team lost out on second place in the Coed division, but what can you do. Really though Bob was the champion! On our way home I-80 was closed due to zero visibility going across the pass. Theres really no other way home so we just waited. It took us over 5 hrs to get home, when it usually takes just over 2! But Bob was riding the ice and cuting through fog and snow like nobodys business! We were passing trucks, cars with snow tires and well, pretty much everyone. He did the same on my way to work the next morning. He may be grey, boring and super practical but he's a beast!